Perfectly honourable

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Chapter Seven


All of my sisters and my mum looked up at us, I'd briefly told mum about Rob, that he was my 'boyfriend'. I could have happily lived my life with them never meeting, but he introduced me to his mum and his friends so I thought it was only fair.

"So, er, this is Rob." I began, "Rob this is Elena," my oldest sister nodded, she had the look on her face that said she was impressed, Elena was the oldest of my sisters, it was her husband 

"This is Carina," My only younger sister smiled and waved with the arm that was currently in a pink cast. Horse riding accident left her with a broken wrist, but the worst part for her wasn't the injury but the fact that she couldn't go riding again until it was fixed, leaving it up to me to make sure her pony Truffle got ridden for the next few weeks. 

"That's Adriana, and next to her is Valentina." The two of them smiled at Rob, Valentina looked to already be forming her opinion of him. I wondered if she had already figured out that Rob is the brother of her ex-boyfriend.

"Nice to meet you all." Rob said politely, he seemed a little overwhelmed if anything. Though I don't blame him, he has grown up around one woman and he is now in a room with six if you include me.

"We'll just be upstairs," I said taking Rob's arm and attempting to pull him out of the room, he was more than happy to oblige.

"I'm sorry if they were a little intimidating. Valentina's the worst, she won't say anything, just sit there and raise her eyebrow at you."

Rob laughed, "Hey calm down, I know how to handle women."

"Oh you do, do you?" I asked, incredulous, he winked at me.

We reached my bedroom so I opened the door and let him in, it suddenly seemed so messy in comparison to how neat his had been. My blue walls were splashed with posters of bands and family photos, then a notice board where I'd collected the tickets from all the gigs, plays and football matches I had been to.

I plugged my iPod into the dock and pressed shuffle on my music. All I Want by Kodaline began to play as I turned back to face Rob, who had taken a seat on my double bed, laying back on the pillows.

"Just make yourself comfortable." I joked,

"Don't worry, I will." he winked at me again before closing his eyes and pretending to snore.

I picked up a cushion from the window seat underneath the window and threw it at him. It landed softly by his shoulder and he opened one eye.

"Is that the best you've got?" he asked, before launching the cushion back at me with more force than I had. I managed to catch it before it actually hit me.

"Oh, this is war." I declared before running over and hitting him with the cushion, he didn't hesitate to grab a pillow and hit me back.

Before I knew it we were caught in a full on pillow fight, when we were both stood on the bed, trying to get the best hit on the other. He hit my cushion out of my hands and went flying across the room.

"Ha! Now you have no choice but to surrender." Rob announced, I gave out a sigh and pouted.

I edged closer to him, reaching out to lay a hand on his side, he sucked in a breath under my hand.

"Surely you wouldn't hit an unarmed girl." He looked uncomfortable, like he was thinking too hard.

Rob tried to slink away from me, deciding that he wouldn't be caught in my trap. His foot got twisted in my duvet cover and he suddenly began to fall backwards, with my arm around him that meant that I got dragged down too.

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