Just What I Needed (15)

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Picture of Colton :) ---------------------------->

The next day, Keely was driven into the midst of Central Park for her photo shoot, she found that odd, but was happy they weren't in that empty warehouse again.

And though the snappy woman Demet was there, Keely was happy. It was a more relaxed setting, and she found herself laughing even more than usual.

Instantly she was strapped into a pair of tight leather pants, making her feel like Olivia Newton John, and an off white loose long sleeved shirt that left more than a few buttons loose at her chest. Everything was made better by the fact that she was given a guitar to pose with in front of the lake, it was a black Road Worn Stratocaster, she might have drooled if she wouldn't have gotten in trouble from the make up artist.

She'd been lusting after that very same guitar for months, it felt like the holy grail had been placed in her hands. Keely could literally recite the exact model: Road Worn 50's Stratocaster, Maple Fingerboard, Black. Yes, she'd wanted the guitar much more than what was healthy. But as it was about two thousand dollars, she'd just have to wait until she could pay for it herself and stick with the two old – but still beloved – guitars that had been her mother's, they were both fenders as well. What? They were a fender family.

But soon enough, Keely's short time in the modelling business was over for the day. To be truthful, she would hate to be a model. Yeah, she'd prefer to stay with music.

Though the moment she sat down in the car, her cell phone started ringing. Looking down, Keely saw Colton's face gracing the screen of her phone. After the rather awkward beginning, she actually like Colton and Marco, Seth was very iffy.

"Hey," she answered. "Oh, sorry, Dave. Just take me back to the hotel," she nodded to David.

"So you're done your photo shoot?" Colton asked.

"Uh, yeah," she answered plucking her songbook from her purse and flipping to a free page where she jotted down a verse she'd thought of during the shoot. It would need a lot of work, but Keely thought it had the bones to be a good song. "The shoot was in Central Park, it was actually pretty great. More relaxed than the other one, though the dragon lady was still dragging me everywhere and not letting me speak."

"Oh, well," the tone of his voice suggested a shrug. "It's mostly like that, so it's not like that's ever going to change. And since you're done the shoot, I was wondering what you were doing for lunch?"

"Why?" she enquired vaguely still writing the lyrics. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm heading down to practice with the guys, but I was wondering if you were doing anything for lunch. Because," he lengthened the word. "Someone I know, by the name of Marissa James, wants to meet the opening act for her tour and she's going out to grab pizza for lunch and was wondering if I could call you."

Rolling her eyes, Keely thought about the distaste she had been holding for Marissa James for so long and then shrugged. If she was going on tour with her, Keely was going to have to meet the girl eventually, why not bite the bullet? "Sure, just tell me where to go."

There was a smile as he answered.

Reciting the restaurant name to Dave, Keely leaned back and took three deep calming breaths.

She didn't really look like going out to lunch with the most popular, yet plain singer on the planet. But there was no time to go back to the hotel to change.

So Keely would be stuck in the navy blue straight-legged sweatpants, a black fitted tank top with a brown cropped leather jacket over top that had arrived with almost all of the rest of her tour clothes from Andy and black uggs.

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