Just What I Needed (62)

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“Okay, let me get this straight,” Rose began. “Seth and Mac are in jail, drunk, and we’re going to bail them out,” she said, a pointed gaze sent towards the box of donuts Keely was holding carefully. “And this police station takes Visa, Mastercard and Krispy and Kreme?”

Giving a slight shrug, Keely hopped gracelessly over a mound of snow that had piled on the sidewalk. “As well as, you want one?” she asked, propping open the lid awkwardly for the other girl to look in on the assortment of doughnuts they had bought at their stop. “Because, if The Simpsons is any indication, they won’t last long in there.”

“I think I’ll pass,” answered Rose with a chuckle. “So what’s with the donuts anyways? Are we bribing the cops or something because I’m not entirely sure I’m okay with that.”

Good naturedly shutting the box, Keely set her gazes ahead, watching as the police station loomed closer in front of them. She wasn’t in the mood to eat them either, she couldn’t tell if she was nervous to be back in the station – last time she’d been in a holding cell, after all – or just to see Seth after the blow up she’d had at him the night before. “Not bribing, last time I bailed Seth out from this place, they told me Colton and Marco usually bring donuts and I promised I would next time. I didn’t think I’d actually be doing it. But at least now I have money from the tour, before bailing him out pretty much bankrupted me.”

As they pulled to a stop in front of the imposing looking building, she sent a glance to the side, noticing Rose was looking on the queasy side, her eyes slightly panicked. “Last time?” she questioned, “Seth’s done this before?”

Crinkling her nose slightly, she started forward to the front doors, wondering if she should talk about it. Yet, after a moment, Keely decided it was safe territory, after all this was mostly common knowledge for whoever read a magazine. “I’ve only bailed him out once, and then the other two times I was kind of with him. But I’m pretty sure, from what Colton and Marco say, he was getting arrested for stupid little things a lot before I moved here.”

“Oh,” replied Rose simply.

Deciding to not question her, Keely focused frontwards through the threadbare tiny entrance way to the front desk. Making a strong wave of déjà vu as she stared forwards to where the officer with the bushy eyebrows sat, just as he had all those months ago. She wasn’t sure she’d ever learnt his name.

“Keely?” he asked in wonderment, sending them a surprised glance. “Did Seth actually call you or did you just pick up the wrong phone again?”

Wincing slightly when she was assured he remembered not only her but her name as well, she forced a smile onto her face, walking hurriedly up to the counter. “This time it wasn’t a mistake,” she assured him. Watching as he sent a curious look over her shoulder, Keely glanced back to see Rose lagging behind. “Oh, she’s here for Mac…” she trailed off, not remembering his last name.

“Parker,” Rose put in, the two syllables coming out in a snap and making Keely send her a confused glance as the other girl stepped forward to stand beside her. “What did he do?” she asked, her voice coming out in the regular smooth tone again.

Digging through a few papers, the man squinted down at a sheet. “Ah, Ryan and Parker were picked up for drunk and disorderly as well as disturbing the peace. They got in a bar fight, but no one has pressed charges so far.”

Ignoring the twisting feeling in her stomach, Keely nodded, starting to feel sick as well. “Can we pay the bail now?” she asked, dropping the box on the desk. “I brought donuts.”

After paying the bail, Rose and Keely were sent down the familiar hall that made Keely wonder if she should be running away as they followed a cop who was happily eating one of the donuts. Who willingly went back towards a cell that they had been held in and given a bucket in case they puked?

Just What I NeededNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ