.:what did you call me?:.

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Ok this lesson will be a bit short but it will help. I hope. Anyway, let's get into it!

Name calling
Unless someone is a close friend or family, DO NOT call them by just their name. It is rude. Add さん at the end unless they say other wise.

Used for familiarity with someone.

Used for children names, pet names, childhood freinds into adulthood, and sometimes just to make a name sound cute.

Used commonly for males that are the same age but you might hear older people using it with people who are younger.

It is most commonly used for sarcasm and jokes but some use it for people of high power.
Ex. かみさま

Thank you for stay along with me! Many hearts for you ♥♥♥!
next lesson we will introduce ourselfs and learn about saying thank you. Then we will go into adjetives.
And if you stay till then, even more hearts for you! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
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