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Tagged And Gonna Get Everlasting Delectation

Hey My Beautiful Earthlings.
I have been tagged for the first time today's by none other then glitter_xox. Thank You.

So the rules are:
1) You have to post all the rules
2) You have to tag 13 people
3) You have to answer the questions that you have been asked, by the person who tagged you
4) You have to ask 13 questions to the people you tagged
5) You can't skip tags
6) You can tag back the person who originally tagged you
7) You have to do something I say if the tag is not completed
8) You must be created creative with the title
9) You must put your tags in a book

We may now set off on this journey of discovery. All aboard!!!

How old are you?
15 years.

What's your favourite colour?
Black. It goes with everything. Funny fact: sometimes people think I'm emo because I'm always wearing black.

Single or Taken?
I'm a single Pringles, ready to mingle. Gosh I'm such a poet.

Favourite Wattpad book?
That's a tough one but im going to have to go with Chasing Red by isabelleronin. Thank You for the amazing book.

Favourite Disney movie?
I'm gonna say Inside Out. It is a hilarious film that can be watched by people of all ages. I recommend it.

Favourite subject?
Music. Without music I am incomplete. Plus my music teachers are so cool that we call them by there first names. Well it's only really one but whatever, you rock Luke. My other music teacher is also really safe but not safe enough to let us call him Tom.

Most embarrassing moment?
Wow, this is tough and mostly all of my moments are with my best friend -ForeverDisney-. Should I tell you the supermarket one or the school one. Ohhh ohhh there's the park one too. Gosh the amount of choices I have is an embarrassment within itself. I'll go with the school one. So what happened was that, me and my sister decided to act like retards and grab a school bench and try to climb a fence to leads to a platform instead of taking the stairs like normal people. Don't worry, we accomplished it. The embarrassing part was when my above named friend decided to do it too. Once she got to the top, her foot got caught in th e fence which resulted in her hanging from it upside down. At that precise moment I couldn't do anything but laugh while she cried/laughed. Literally everyone was staring at us, but whatever we're rebels. This wasn't the brightest idea cos climbing fences out side the staff room and right the head teachers is stupid. A teacher came out hearing all the noise. When she came out she told us off, and I literally laughed in her face because I couldn't keep it in. I got a detention, along with my sister and friend.

For more embarrassing episodes stay tuned on the embarrassing stories about me show.

What's one crazy thing you have done in your life?
I'm not such a big rebel, so the most I've done is set off the school library alarm and make a run for it, with again yours truly -ForeverDisney-

Favourite character from Teen Wolf or Vampire Diaries?
In TW definitely Stiles. He is absolutely adorable with his one liners and his face. Although I could say Derekbut he's more on the BAE side. I don't watch vampire diaries but I know Ian is in it with Nina who I adore....yeah, that's about it.

Favourite book my glitter_xox?
I'm in love with Bad Boys New Girl. You need to update.

Favourite Wattpad author?
I'm go I.g to have to go with isabelleronin once again. She truly inspires me.

Where do you live?

Favourite animal?
Even though I would never go near one (unless it doesn't bite) I'd say wolf. I guess I read too much wolf books.if not wolf's I'll says puppies.

Well, that's all for today folks. Now it's my turn to tag. I don't exactly know 13 people so please go with it. I'm a loner.







- How old you are? Plus birth date.
- Favourite season?
- Dream holiday destination?
- If there was one thing you would take if your stuck on a island what would it be?
- Embarrassing moment?
- Favourite book?
- Dream job?
- Favourite subject?
- If you could be anyone for a day who would it be?
- Favourite celebrity?
- Favourite movie?
- Teen Wolf or Wattpad?
- What colour are your eyes?

Thanks for tuning in. If you want for my tagged just DM.

Lots Of Love


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