E X T R A | Worth It

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{Skylan's Wedding. Not Edited}

Song: Make My Love Go

Artist (s): Jay Sean ft Sean Paul

We accept the love we think we deserve.


Most people get married believing a myth that marriage is a beautiful box full of all the things they have longed for; companionship, intimacy, friendship etc. The truth is that marriage at the start is an empty box. You must put something in it before taking anything out. There is no love in marriage. Love is in people. And people put love in marriage. there is no romance in marriage. you have to infuse it into your marriage. A couple must learn and form the habit, of keeping the box full. If you take out more than you put in, the box will be empty.

"You still there?" I felt a pair of knuckles against my head. I frowned pushing Tori's hand away from my face.

"How long?" I turned around facing Gabe. He lifts his hand checking the time on his wrist.

"10 minutes" He walks forward enveloping me in his arms.

"I've missed your childhood, but I'm glad I got to be a part of this moment. Today was the day. The day I am going to be becoming Mrs Ryder. The day Dylan officially, makes me his. Wedding preparations were hell. The constant need to run around was pretty tiring, but at the end it's all worth it.  Everyone was gathered in the dressing room, just around the corner from the venue. We were having an outdoor wedding before we took in inside. 

Tori, Beth and Brit were my bridesmaids. They looked absolutely stunning in their silk, lace sleeved, black dresses. It was a knee length dress with the area just above the breasts covered in lace. After a lot, and I mean a lot of searching we found the perfect dresses. We had planned to set a black and white theme to the wedding, so guests had to wear either black or white. My wedding dress was white so we decided to the the bridesmaids to wear black, whereas because Dylan was wearing black the best men were going to wear white. 

"Okay. Time's up. Let's go" Jake yells wounding my arm around his. This is it. I'm going to marry the love of my life. I'll be his forever. We got to the venue within a few minutes and everyone got in their positions. 

Amy led first. She walked, flowers in hand, straight to the front. Gabe and Brit followed after, arms linked. Then followed Evan with Beth and Tori, hanging off each arm. 

"Congrats Kiddo" Jake kissed my forehead before taking a deep breath and stepping forward. From that moment, it was like everything had gone into slow motion. everyone stood up but I ignored them. I was solely focused on the man in front of me. The man I would soon address as my husband. He was staring at the ground, but as soon as I entered his eyes met mine and I swear, I died a little.

He lifted his hand rubbing his jaw, then his eyes. He kept his mouth in a tight line as his eyes got teary. He was trying not too cry.  I didn't blame me. It took everything in me not to cry too because I know if I did, Tori would have my head. I finally got there after what felt like a century. Dylan instantly took my hands in his when Jake handed me over. He quickly wiped his tears grinning at me and I couldn't help but grin back. 

Zac, Blake and Chase stood on the right side of Dylan, while Beth, Tori and Brit on the left side of me. The minister began to speak. I drowned everything he said until he gave us a go sign to recite our vows. Dylan started first.

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