Chapter twenty two

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I gasped as I looked at my locket. At my beautiful locket that made me remember everything. My name is not Emery Marie Cain but Anastasia Grace Light, the daughter of Elizabeth and Antony Light, the little sister of Nathaniel Grayson Light. My eyes filled with tears, I looked at my dog, Minnie, and hugged her. I stroked her hair and she licked my face, I kissed her cute head, and picked up both of my dogs. They were the best dogs I've ever had, I sniffed as I looked at them, their tongues were sticking out and they looked like they were smiling. I grabbed my beautiful locket before I lose it again. I waited for Nate, practically shaking inside because I have no idea how I'm going to tell him. How am I going to tell him that I'm his sister? It was going to be difficult, I know but I had to tell him. Suddenly I heard his voice.

"Emery!" he shouted, I winced when I heard my fake name. I hated that name and how I lived. That wasn't the real me, the real me is standing right here, waiting for her brother who loved her like crazy. And there he was, his face all red, his scarf practically falling off of his face because he was running and I was grinning at him. At my wonderful older brother. He grabbed my shoulders and smiled at me. "You found her!"

I didn't answer him as I saw him take Minnie from my arms and kissed her head. But then he scolded her from running away from him which that made me smile even wider because he always did that to me. Make sure I was safe and then scold me. That's how he was. I missed him like crazy even though I kept seeing him in the hospital, this is the first time that I'm actually happy that I got sick because I got to see him. I watched him as he smiled at Minnie and then he turned his head to me. His smiled faltered when he saw my face. With his free hand, he touched my cheek.

"Hey, are you okay? You're crying," he murmured. I didn't say anything as I put Mickey down and I just pulled him into a hug. I felt Minnie struggle but she managed to hop off Nate and landed on the ground perfectly. Nate was surprised and hugged me back. I missed his hugs so much that I sobbed and stammered so much. He rubbed my back and I kept saying his name. "Em, are you okay? Please tell me that you're okay"

"Nate, I need you to listen to me, can you listen to me?" I asked and I felt him nod because I didn't want to let go of him. I squeezed him harder and he did the same, even though he didn't know why I was acting like this. I finally pulled away from him and held his face between my hands, I took a deep breathe and spoke. "My name isn't Emery Cain, it's Anastasia Light and I'm your sister"

He stared at me. He just stared at me. He opened his mouth to say something but then he closed it. I waited for him to remember me or something but it didn't happen. No flash of recognition at all, as if I was a stranger to him. As if I hadn't lived with him for seventeen years, tears streamed down my eyes. He didn't say anything but he did wipe my tears. He finally spoke after a long silence.

"Okay Emery, I-I think you need to see a psychiatrist. Come on, I'll take you to the hospital," He says as he picked up Minnie, forced me to grab Mickey while guided me out of the dump. I didn't say anything because I did wanted to get out of there and as soon as we got out of there, I shrugged away from his arm and looked at him. He looked at me warily but I spoke anyway.

"Nate, I don't need to see a psychiatrist! You have to listen to me!" I shouted out. He shook his head at me and walked backwards away from me. I shook my head and took a step forward. "Nate, please! You're my older brother!"

He glared at me and I took a step back. He never looked at me like that. Never. He always gave me a kind face that was always protective of me. The words he said next made me wanted to cry.

"It is illegal to have a sibling, okay! My mother didn't have any illegal children! I was alone! I lived alone! I had depression throughout my childhood! I finally picked up my broken pieces and suddenly you tell me that I'm your older brother!? You don't know anything about me!" he shouted as he finally stopped talking and starting walking away from me. He was leaving me. He can't leave me! I need him! My life isn't the same without him. He was my person that understood me, he can't just walk away from me and expect me to fake my life. We can't be like this.

"I don't know anything about you!? Then how would I know that you love black coffee!? How would I know that you love horror movies because it gives you thrills!? How would I know  that you're terrified of snakes!? How would I know that you're allergic to peanuts!? How would I know that you love you're family more than anything in the world!?" I shouted out to him. He came to an abrupt stop and he turned towards me slowly. His eyes widened at what I was saying to him, I took more steps towards until I was in front of him. I grabbed ahold of his arms as he looked down at me. He was giving me mixed emotions as I had tears in my eyes. I finally cracked a small smile as I said the last thing that would hopefully make him remember me and end this nightmare. "How would I know that you would protect the ones you love, even if it means that you would be hurting yourself?"

He stared at me breathlessly. He searched my face to see if I was lying but I would never lie to him. Ever. He needs to remember me. Us. How we were, how much we loved each other and teased each other. How we always took care of each other without a second thought. We always protected each other and made sure we were okay. We always talked with one another if something was bothering us, we would always get angry at each other but would always apologize at the end. We always remembered each other's feelings and knew not to bring something up if we knew it would hurt us. We talked about the future and if I would ever had a chance at going outside and facing the real world. That we would face the real world together. Us against the world. I touched his cheek but he pulled away.

"T-This doesn't make any sense! I need you to leave me alone and don't visit me at the hospital ever again! I don't want to see your face ever again!" he exclaimed as he roughly shook off my arm and began to walk away. It felt like my heart was breaking into two as I clutched it. I ran after him and held his arm. Minnie was barking and growling at Nate for him to stop walking. "Minnie, get out of my way! And let go of my arm! I'm going to call the cops on you!"

"Nate, please! You have to listen to me! I'm you're sister!" I yelled out. Then I remembered the locket that he gave me, took it out of my pocket, and thrusted it into his face. It opened while I was fumbling to get it out of my pocket. "This is the locket that you gave my for my seventeenth birthday! Don't you remember!?"

He struggled to get away from me, and as he was struggling, he took a glance at my locket and he froze. He slowly grabbed it and held it in his hands. His eyes widened as he looked down at it. A mixture of emotions was all over his face. I waited for him to react to the locket and it felt like an eternity. He blinked slowly, almost as if he was waking up from a dream. The sentence that he formed next almost made me cry.

"A-Ana?" he asked me. I nodded my head in joy and I started laughing. He slowly put his hand on my cheek, almost if he was afraid to touch me or else I might disappear. He stroked my cheek when he held it and once he realized I wasn't a dream, he pulled me in for a hug. I breathed in his scent like I always did. I heard him chuckle as held me tighter. "Oh my god! Ana! I can't believe it's you!"

I have him. I have my older brother back. And I'm never letting him go.

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