Chapter 28. The truth.

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The flames flickers in the darkness of the large chamber it's shadows dances on the walls, the wind blew the trees heavily in the night air and the moon was also full . Leo watched as the wood cracked in the fire as a million thoughts polluted his mind. First the hope of Josoline still in love with him gave him hope. He smiled at the thought of the words he choose to describe her feeling for him. He had many women that loved him quite a view who resented him for not loving them back but the love that resonated from her was more than what he had bargain for.

He remembered the day he met her in the stable as if it were only yesterday. Month and weeks had flew by now she was laying in a bed not even sure of her name.

Ethan had showed concern but to a extent his behavior was rather suspicious. He had disappeared a few time and it was never to see Josi, he knew because he had appointed guards to watch them both but for different reasons. He wanted Josoline to be safe and also wasn't going to risk for a second attack on her but Ethan on the other had always disappeared at curtain hours of the night to the old palace and Leo knew he would clear all his suspension soon because when it had come to Josoline who would he first with her.

The door knocked and Leo hadn't noticed .

" Leonardo? " called princess Serena.
Breaking from his chain of thoughts he blinked then glared at her. He had been in a rather foul mood lately.

" yes" he answered mildly to the pretty elegant woman that stood Before him.

She felt nervous and afraid to approach him from the incident. He was rather foul tempered and wanted to see only that Prescott lady, Serena felt neglected and frustrated.

" what is wrong with you? " she started decided to just be direct.

Leo who was unfazed by her girlish temper , his expression bored " what do mean?"

He was acting foolish and that only made her temper rise." Leonardo this...this" she stammered." Prescott lady has been the only one receiving your attention "

Leo looked her over, he was getting annoyed, her childish tantrums would land her no where with him now a days." Princess Serena she is my guest and she got hurt here I most attend to here" ,he replied giving her a weak smile trying to pacify her.

She glared at him , " I am your guest ...a mater a fact I'm more important " she through her hand in the air " I will soon be your wife so treat me as such"

His temper rises as she spoke nonsense , more important? Wife? . his brows knitted," did I tell you I would marry you?" He asked

" this was the arrangement " she hissed her pale white face red from anger," When you came to my castle you were different "

" I didn't agree to marrying you" he said mildly. He wanted her to leave he felt as though he had enough for one week.

" But you took me to bed " she said as the tears fell," you were my first" she said little less than a whisper.

He scoffed, " I was never your first" he said upon approach, " So that was your plan to trap me in your bed?"

She couldn't believe how cruel he was being, she didn't even knew he knew she wasn't her first and that was like a slap to her face. The anger over come her .

" She most have bewitched you" she said tears running down her cheeks ," I will ruin you" she spat.

Leo stood before her only a inches taller ,his glare ice cold it made her shivered. He was done being nice with her , he only did it out of respect for her family.

" Do you think I'm the right person you want to threaten ...your family needs me because I will soon be a king. You seem to forget who needs whom" his face unreadable." And until you wrap your pretty little head around the fact that we will never marry the better for us all"

Sarena swallowed hard , what he spoke was true and that felt like a dagger went to her heart.

She said in defeat, " What does she have that I do not..I've heard of the man you were in business but I only face him truly are your father's son"she stared him dead in the eyes as the tears flowed. "How did she manage to melt that heart of yours?"

He said nothing as she walked away.

He wasn't awear that he could love or go beyond the feeling of infatuations. Wasn't that what he felt for her, he squeezed his fist and his eyes shout remembering the day she had said that she loved him.


Those four letters meant so much and had changed his life completely.


"Are you serious" Josoline said laughing at the joke Mari had given her.

The trio was in her room basically attending to her needs. Mari and Ruth was devastated to hear what had happen, the evening Madeline had approached her about Ethan was odd but they hadn't thought for a million years that she would of followed through.

Josoline grinned at the strangers in her room , Her cousin who she still couldn't remember had told her they were her friends even lady's in waiting but that still hadn't jogged her memory.

" You are all the gossip you know" Ruth interjected

" yes people are saying that Madeline wanted to kill you" Ruth said with blurry eyes.

Josoline identify Madeline as the girl who had put her in this state, " but why?"

" because of Ethan " Becka said mildly unsure if they were to speak of it." In a earlier time she approached you and told you Ethan was hers for the taking".

" now people call her mad" Mari hissed

" I heard her family hasn't yet to come for her because their a shamed of her" Ruth interjected.

Josoline tried to reflect on that day by closing her eyes but her mind was blank ," I do not remember " she said opening her eyes.

" do not force anything it will come to you" Becka said touching her shoulder.

Josoline laid there staring at each pretty face trying to remember the past she had with them. Becka Sat at the edge of her bed Mari Sat on a chair near the bed and Ruth stood with her arms folded. She could tell they cared for her just like Leonardo .

" umh..What relation does the Prince and I have?" She asked hoping someone could shed light on her Feelings.

Each young lady looked among them taken a back. They knew nothing of a relation between the two.

" why do you asked?" Ruth said after a while.

" well I don't know I feel like.." She stopped then looked down at her fingers, " like I know him body and soul"

They looked at her dumbstruck not sure how to respond, " well I am not sure but all we know is that you are marrying Ethan" Becka said staring at her cousin pale face.

" but why do I feel like a stranger with him" she breath out.

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