Chapter three

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Hey (: here’s chapter three, two chapters in one day! :O I tried to make this one longer.

ATTENTION: I must warn you that this chapter contains mild sexual content, it’s not intended to offend anyone so if it does, sorry!

Chapter Three

The rest of the week dragged by and Mr. Hendry hadn’t even acknowledged my existence let alone the drive way incident, but now to my great pleasure it was Friday.  The bell rang as I was sitting in music working on a new song.  I jumped up excitedly along with the rest of the class all of us itching to get away from college.  Even though this had been our first week back after a long, hot, lazy summer it felt like I’d spent a lifetime here.  Walking around the building to the car park I felt a warm arm slide around my waist and pull me into a deserted doorway, looking up I saw that it was my friend Josh.

 “hey sweet cheeks” he purred into my ear pulling me against his body. “you wanna have some fun later?”

Josh was a friend of mine….with some benefits.  He was dashingly handsome with his wavy blonde hair and piercing green eyes.  Every girl in the school would leap at the chance to sleep with him, I would tell you that I hadn’t and that I’m an innocent virgin, but that would be lying. I’d slept with a few guys, josh being the only one from this college though.  I hadn’t slept with enough guys to be deemed a slut but enough to know my way round the male body.

“sure hot-stuff I’ve got a free house if you want to come over tonight?” I bit my lip sensually.  He looked down at my lip letting out a groan.

“I’ll be there Kells” he brushed his fingers against my jaw and walked away.

I tried not to linger on how his touch to my cheek hadn’t affected me the way Mr. hendry’s had thinking that josh was hot and sweet and that was all I needed.  I located my car and noticed Becks sunbathing on my bonnet with her shirt pulled up exposing her midriff.  I smirked, typical Becks.  I tiptoed up to her and started tickling her exposed skin making her screetch with laughter.

“come on you big slut, stop making everyone eye sex you up on my poor car and lets get going”

“you just wish you’d thought of it first” she winked at me.

I chucked “Touché my friend, touché”


Opening my front door at 8 o’clock I stood back and admired Josh standing on my porch.  He really was hot! 

“are you quite done checking me out yet mrs?” he drawled teasingly.

“Hmm” I stepped up to him grabbing the collar of his polo, pulling his face down to my level, I felt his arms snake around my waist pulling me closer.  Very slowly I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his lightly not giving the proper kiss he was asking for with his eyes whilst trailing my fingers down his stomach feeling his muscles tense. “I don’t think so… why don’t you come inside so I can finish?” I smirked.

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