Chapter four

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Fourth one, hope you enjoy, thanks for reading

Chapter Four

I shut my bedroom door behind me, leaning my head back against the cool wood.  I decided to take a shower, not only to wash away the chlorine on me but to clear my head.   A weighty tight feeling had appeared in my chest making it feel slightly hard to breath, stepping into the shower I let out a long breath as I let the jets work their magic.

I can hardly believe this is real; Mr. Hardy had kissed me…his student.  And then told me that we should forget it ever happened?! I don’t think that was even possible?  It was only then that he cold sting of rejection slapped me in the face, he turned me down.  I mean yeah I know it’s against the rules, but it’s not illegal, I’m seventeen…eighteen in a few weeks.  But then if he didn’t want me why did he even kiss me in the first place?  I realised I was being silly letting it bother me so much, after all he was just a guy…I could pretty much take my pick.  I resolved the internal argument in my head mentally pushing it to the back of my mind vowing not to let it torment me.

Chuckling aloud I slipped out of the steaming shower, padding barefoot into my room enjoying the feel of my thick carpet under my toes.  I quickly dried myself and chucked some grey sweatpants and a tank top on chucking my long hair into a messy bun on top of my head, jogging downstairs to retrieve the take-out menus from the kitchen.  Flipping the TV on in the living room I ordered enough Chinese to feed a small army, I lounged back on the sofa making myself comfy and engrossed myself in whatever crap was on the screen.


I jerked awake realising I must have dozed off, my stomach rumbled loudly as rolled over to stand up.  Cursing at my hunger grumpily made my way to the door figuring that’s what the noise was, I quickly perked up as I realised that it would be my food, grabbing my purse off the hallway table.

I opened the door expecting to lay eyes on Chung, the sweet little man who usually delivers my chinease to me (yes, yes I do order take out enough to be on first name terms with them all, and what?).  Instead I laid eyes on a beautiful lady who was far from the bald five ft. Chinese man I had been expecting.  Her natural red hair flowed in waves past her shoulders, bringing attention to her startling red dress that looked like it had been painted onto her curves accompanied by some killer red heels, I felt like a tramp in comparison standing here in my sweats.  I looked up into her dark blue eyes noticing that she seemed just as startled as me.

“um, is Lewis here?” she said as her brow knitted in confusion.

Lewis?….OH Mr. Hendry.  Hang on…I felt a stab of jelousy as I realised what was going on here, she’d got the wrong house, what did she want with Mr. Hendry? …Stupid question Kelly.

“Nope” I said popping the P as I closed the door in her face.  Okay I know that was rude and immature but I couldn’t help myself.  As I started to retreat from the door the doorbell rang again and this time didn’t let up.

Sighing angrily I stomped over to the door ready give this dumb bitch a piece of my mind, I yanked it open and before it was even open started

[OLD VERSION] Game,Set,Match. (student/teacher)- Where stories live. Discover now