HMFF20-Drunken Birthdays

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Chapter 20...Drunken Birthdays

Dawson stayed true to his promise, for the next two months he was home anywhere before 6 to 6:00 on the dot. We had finished the nursery and it looked absolutely stunning. Of course I had some interior decoration advice from Olivia. I had decided to take my maternity leave in March that way I would have time to prepare for the twins. Abby teased me and told me I was in nesting mode. Maybe I was but I just wanted everything to be perfect! I couldn't wait until I had my babies in my arms.

Today Dawson and I were preparing for Hudson's birthday party. It was batman themed. So our little tot had been running around in his batman costume all day long. I'm pretty sure he even slept in it last night.

"Mama, Mama!" Hudson shouted pulling on the hem of my dress. I was handing Dawson some banners to hang up.

"What is it Hudson?" I laughed at his excitement.

"When is everybody going to get here?" he pleaded.

"In an hour," I replied. Hudson was impatient just like his father. It was adorable on Hudson, not so much on Dawson.

"When's that?" Hudson pouted.

"That's in two Scooby Doo cartoons," I stated. "Hun I'm going to put in his movie so he'll stop being so antsy."

"Sounds good," Dawson replied tacking up the banner.

Hudson and I watched two Scooby Doo cartoons before his guest began filing in. The first to arrive were Olivia and David.

"Gwandpa!" Hudson yelled jumping off the couch, and running into David's arms.

"Hey Batman, I heard someone's having a birthday today. Do you happen to know who it is?" David teased.

"Me!" Hudson shouted.

"Oh, I forgot," David teased. Hudson looked worried. His little brow crossed.

"You forgot my present?" Hudson shouted. I was shocked and embarrassed at Hudson's response.

"Hudson, that was not nice!" I corrected.

"Danielle it's fine, he's adorable," David laughed.

Abby and Bryson soon made their appearance, followed by Rebecca and her troop. But last but not least Damien made his appearance. Tension was flowing in the air. Damien had never seen Hudson before. The more I looked at the two the more they looked identical. Something told me to be on alert.

Two hours late Dawson's brother made his appearance. This would be the first time Damien met Hudson, and I didn't know how he would handle it. Damien was aloof the whole party taking it in from a far. Observing him was like watching a scared dog wanting attention, but too afraid to approach you.

"So how did you take it, finding out Dawson had a son?" Damien asked. I bit my tongue, so I wouldn't say anything bad.

"My response was normal I suppose," I stated. "I mean we were both very shocked. I couldn't believe Victoria had kept him a secret from Dawson all these years."

"Well duh, she's a lying bitch what do you expect. I mean she even tried to pin her pregnancy on me," Damien laughed, and I noticed he was buzzed. I could smell the alcohol on his breath where he stood.

"Damien are you drunk?" I asked.

"Nah," he slurred. "Okay maybe just a little."

"You knew about Victoria's pregnancy?" I asked confused.

"Yep," he said popping the "p".

"Mommy!" Hudson shouted running up to me. I him picked up.

"What is it buddy?" I asked smiling at him.

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