HMFF21-Preparing for the Babies

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Chapter 21...Preparing for the Babies

After our lunch date, I couldn't decide what to do with the extra time I had on my hands. Even though I hated shopping I decided to call Olivia, and go shopping for baby clothes for the twins. I had been so busy with the nursery it had slipped my mind. I even enjoyed Olivia's company because she made most of the decisions so it left me with less to worry about. I felt as if I was in the hands of a pro. Plus it was nice being able to shop with her since I couldn't with my mom. I knew she would have been thrilled about the twins. My mother was the sweetest spirit to grace the earth. She loved babies, and children. It made me sad that she would never meet my kids.

"Danielle have you seen these onesies? They are absolutely charming" Olivia state's motioning me to the rack.

"Oh my, those are completely adorable," I replied looking at the matching boy and girl onesies. "I wonder if we could have those monogramed?"

"Darling for the right price you can monogram anything!" Olivia laughed. "So  does this mean you and Dawson finally picked out names for the babies?"

"Actually we have," I replied. "Well the first names at least."

"Well what are they? I want to know," she stated anxiously.

"Well we like Sadie for a girl's name, Shane for a boy's name," I stated smiling.

"I like that you made both names start with "S" it's cute," she replied. "You know you could use my mother's name for a middle name. It would be beautiful."

"What is your mother's name?" I asked.

"Rose," she stated looking at more baby clothes.

"Hmm...Sadie Rose. I love it," I squealed.

By the end of our shopping spree and having almost everything monogramed mine and Olivia's arms were full of shopping bags. We toted them inside and Dawson was shocked. The bags almost filled the entire nursery floor.

"What did you do, buy the whole store?" Dawson teased.

"Close," Olivia stated smiling. "Dawson don't worry, I'm taking the money I set aside for your wedding and using it to pay for this. Look at it as a wedding and baby shower gift."

"I've never seen so many tiny clothes in my entire life," Dawson laughed.

"There's some tiny clothing in there for you," I whispered in his ear. When Olivia wasn't looking I slipped into Victoria's Secret. Dawson's famous smirk slid across his sexy face. I knew he would love my surprise. "Olivia would you like to stay for dinner?" Dawson grabbed my waist, and growled in my ear. Apparently he did not like the thought of his mother staying around longer than needed.

"No, I must get home before David has a duck fit. Thank you for the lovely invitation though," she replied. "Lord knows I never got invited when it was just Dawson living here."

"And there were reasons for that Mother," Dawson smirked. I didn't even want to think what those reasons were.

"Mmhhmm, I'm sure there were," she replied glaring at Dawson and making him blush. I had never seen the man blush before, he was adorable.

"Good day mother it was nice seeing you," Dawson stated as Olivia walked away.

"Bye Olivia," I stated smiling.

"Bye, Darling," she replied waving dramatically as she left.

After she left Dawson wrapped his arms around my waist once again. His eyes were smoldering with lust. It sent goose bumps down my spine. I was blessed with one sexy man.

"Now about this tiny clothing you spoke of," Dawson stated, and I gulped.

I think Dawson was beginning to become more anxious about the twins coming than I was. He even started to have some weird cravings. He was always following me around like a mother duck. He was afraid that any slight movement would send us to the hospital. He read some of my pregnancy books, and they just scared him even more. There were so many birth defects, and so many things that could go wrong during delivery. I know he's a doctor, so he was aware of this before, but it also hit a little closer to home when it's your child you're worried about.

I slept in, again Saturday. I had found myself sleeping a lot more lately. I'm sure it was because of the two humans growing in my uterus, but dang I was tried. I was walking down the hall to join the boys in the living room when I heard Hudson talking to Dawson.

"Daddy, why is Mama always sleeping?" Hudson asked while watching cartoons.

"Well, carrying the babies makes Mommy tired," Dawson stated. That was a good answer. Hudson was ready for the birds and the bees talk.

"Good morning boys," I yawned walking into the den wearing my pajamas.

"Mama, do the babies make you tired?" Hudson asked curious.

"Oh no," I lied. "Why?"

"Daddy, said that's why you're always sleeping," Hudson stated shrugging. I looked at me questionably, and Dawson just smiled. "Mama, when are the babies coming?"

It was early April so I was 31 weeks. I was always on high alert because not all women carrying twins go full term.

"In a few weeks hopefully," I smiled. My back pains had gotten worse, and my feet were always swollen. "Hun, can we go for a walk?"

"Sure thing go get dressed, and we'll go," Dawson stated.

I went to go get the stroller for Hudson. At my last check up Dr.Stevens told me to make sure I was getting plenty of exercise.

We walked around the neighborhood, for about 45 minutes. I didn't want to over do it. When we came back to the house Dawson and I sat down on the couch while Hudson watched his shows, and played with his toys. Dawson was so sweet. He took off my shoes and gave me the best foot massage.

"Have I told you lately that I loved you?" I stated after he was thru.

"Yes, but I always love hearing it," He laughed.

"I love you Dawson Conn," I stated.

"I love you too Danielle Conn," He replied. I was truly blessed.

Two weeks after my little shopping spree with Olivia I decided I would start packing my diaper bags for the twins. Just things I would need when they were born. It never hurt to be prepared. Dawson surprised me by coming home for lunch.

"How's my favorite girl doing today?" Dawson asked smirking as he walked in the door.

"I'm doing great, but I think you upset your son by calling me a girl, because he just kicked me," I stated. The kick hurt too. Dawson rubbed my belly.

"Well that wasn't very nice of him," he stated pouting "Tell you what we'll do, let's ground him until he's eighteen." I just laughed at Dawson's comment. Then there was another kick.

"Something's got them all excited," I stated. "They're just kicking the stew out of my stomach. I haven't been able to keep anything down all day." Dawson just hugged me close wrapping his arms around me, and then the unspeakable happened.

"Danielle did you spill water in the kitchen earlier?" Dawson stated looking down at the floor.

"Nope, my water just broke," I stated.

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