Texting sessions

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Nicki's Pov

Mia  is like a mystery to me , i never got the chance to know her personally. There are lots of rumors about her. Her image is basically like a tough cruel girl. But i never made any kind of assumption without experiencing it myself. Yet I don't like her , because she has being the reason to hurt one of my friend,  Qiana. She apparently avoided her even being a friend to her without any specific reason and she was rude to her that kind of made me dislike her. But out of curiosity i wanted to know more about her.  She was pretty much regular at school so her absence that too on a test day end up giving me a perfect opportunity to approach her.

Upon hearing that her so called best friend transferred. I was aware that she will eventually lose hope in friendship. I simply want to show her more about real friendship. I am simply curious to know more about her. I want to see how much those rumors about her was true.  

Mia's Pov

I never thought Nicki will approach me and talk with me. I  know she is close with Qiana thus i will definitely be in her bad book list. The real thing is that i was happy to be friend with Qiana she is a fun girl but i wasn't allowed because of Sharon.  One day i left her works incomplete and i was chatting with Qiana she found out. She said many things wrong , she threatened me to leave me and spread more bad things about me. She knew i had migraine problem she had once told one of her classmate that i am mad i usually turn hard to handle with and ever since that day that girl look at me weirdly so i prefer to avoid being victim of bullying and just avoid all. I know i did wrong to Qiana but it was not in my control. I am a coward , but i can't help it. But now she is gone i do regret , i think that i definitely could have done many things.

I come out of my trance when i heard the bell ring. It's two last period now, good because i'm tired and sleepy. I have an English class then a free period. The English class is usually attended with few students just because it is often referred to as The Boring class, good thing is that Nicki will be attending that class. I don't know , it just feel good to have her around even though we won't talk. I just feel a feeling of being secure.

She entered the class, her seat is opposite to mine but i can see her clearly. Soon the class got over. I was about to shift to another class. Once all the students moved away, Nicki stopped me and she asked if i might stayed in that class with her because she has free class too. It sounded good to me because anyway i was going to be alone in my class. Here , she will be here and i know she won't passed rude comments or weird looks at me. So i happily accept her offer.

Nicki's Pov

As i entered the class , i saw Mia. I wanted to go and talk with her but it doesn't feel the right time as the class was about to start, As the class ended, i saw her packing up her stuffs and preparing to leave the class so i stopped her. I wanted to know her story more. And being alone ,it was the best opportunity i genuinely wanted to hear her side of story. Thankfully she agreed.

We sat down in front of each other. she begins to narrate me all. When i look into her eyes, i had to believe in all what she said. It doesn't seem fake. It seemed that she end up making a bad friend which often end up in being a complete mess. I wanted to fix her from all this...out of pity?..no it seemed to be more like a friend..an adviser maybe?

Mia's Pov

She looked at me with a genuine expression that she believed in me. I needed this badly. Everyone pull me down, some did pity me but genuinely her expression made me feel comfortable and more like a friend to her. I truly wish that she be a friend to me. She made me feel at ease. 

Mia, You know its not actually your fault.  You simply made a wrong choice. Whatever you were expecting is all that we expect from a friend of ours. Friendship isn't just helping each other , it is not about only one person always reaching out the another. Its about both trying to stand for each other. You did it , she didn't so its her lost then.

Ya you are right , Miss adviser , your advice always work. Thanks for this. I needed this.

Cheer up, engage yourself in some activities. Cook distract yourself go out walk around do some gardening. Live life. Do what you like. Be free.

I really wanted to break her from the shell she created. It seemed that she envelop herself in a dark world of hers only around loneliness. She need to get out of that.  

Yes i will try to. I'll try out what you said Nicki. 

School ended we walked out. We both went to our way. 

Mia's Pov

I stare at the sky walking down the road, i thought about Nicki's words like everything she said. I felt so hopeful i didn't felt like a low confident person who deserved to be rejected or alone. It felt nice. I can finally remove a burden from me that it's not my fault that everyone drift away from me. I thought of texting her. I always had her number saved because we are English Classmate i had her because she passed all of the student some English info received by the teacher.

Hey, thanks for today. I really feel good after all your advice. You can be a great adviser.  Thank you for being there when no one is around even though you know me for such a little time.

Before i could put my mobile in my pocket, it beeped. It was a message for her. Now that's pretty much too quick. Impressive. 

Mention not! You needed the advice i shared it with you as a friend. Be happy you deserved it. 

I couldn't help but smiled. I quickly typed in another message.

Your too quick to reply ;) I never expected such a quick reply but it felt nice. Thanks again dear.

She is cute. Why do i felt that she was trying hard with me today. She was being the real her. It felt nice. She still have a kind of unhappiness within her. I wish that she shared it with me and i can be there for her like she is. She does need someone too.

Haha , i was about to enter the bus so i quickly reply you. I'm fast at typing so it's an advantage to you you don't have to wait longer ;) anyways what you are up to?

Reading her text make me laugh heartily, she has a good sense of humor. I quickly type it while lying on my bed.

I just reached home , i changed now i will be going to have dinner. And you?

Impatiently staring at the mobile, i'm just waiting for her reply. We texted for a long time until we wished each other 'Goodnight'. It was really a good night today. Just because of her company.

Nicki's Pov

I was seriously surprised with Mia's text. I never thought she will text and was more surprised with my own action i never thought i can reply to anyone so quick i just didn't felt like ignoring her texts. We had a whole texting moment. I was impatient for her texts i wanted to keep talking to her. She is becoming like a habit of mine. With her goodnight wish i fell sleep peacefully. It felt good. I'll look forward for another good day like this.

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