The First Trip Ever?

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Mia's Pov

The ignoring game is on point nowadays. We ignored each other perfectly. when we passed near each other , it's like we never knew each other before but my heart screamed at me to try talk to her again and my mind fight back reasoning with logic that she won't talk. I'm so fed up with this mind and heart fight, i should just concentrate on studies. I have being neglecting everything a lot because i was being ignored by her i think i should divert my attention using studies as a medium. I hope my attempt do get successful.

'Mia, you heard it that camping thing organized by the college , will you be going? Kate asked me trying to get my approval but i will surely avoid this.

'Don't know , will let you know later' I said casually trying not to disappoint her.

'Be quick we are leaving soon , so you got to say yes! And yes, Nicki is going too from what i heard' Kate said with a big grin on her face. I'm sure she noticed our fight and the trials that i have made. 

'So, whatt   will..i do if  Nicki   is  going too?'I said stammering ,trying to cover up my nervousness.

'Mia , stop trying hard , i know you fought with her so it will be a best opportunity for you to mend your broken friendship with her. And i'm pretty sure you are happy about it!' She said in a serious tone which made me give up agreeing upon what she said. I can no longer deny it!

' Ya right! But i'm still not going because having her around me affects me, her ignorance , the way she avoids me hurt me.. we have being friends for quite a long time now ,texting, those emotional talks. I have being being open with Nicki more than anyone else. I trust her and said all about my heart feeling so facing her and her acting like a stranger does hurt! So , i'm  not going! 'I said walking towards the class.

' That's the reason you should give yourself to go, keep yourself in front of her and then try talk with her!' She said trying to convince me.

I paused looking at her, trying to decide. I am quite an indecisive person. But as soon as i think Nicki will be there and i will be home , i feel like i should be going.

'Ok , fine! I will go.' I said finally agreeing to go and the reason is solely Nicki.

'Cool , it's going to be fun. I'm sure by the end of this trip , you both are going to sort out your differences!' She said in a cheering tone.

Nicki's Pov

The trip thing sound boring , but the entire college is getting involved in this and my friends are definitely not going to accept my absence from this. I have no mood yet i agreed to go for their sake. But deeply , i do wish that Mia join us too. I know i'm being a jerk ignoring her but i like seeing her around. I won't miss her so much if she is going to be there. I hope she does!

Too engrossed in my thought i bumped into someone scattering all her stuffs and her paper works. I quickly bed down helping her to gather all her papers.

'Ohh, i'm so sorry , i seriously did not notice you. I was thinking about something important.' I start to explain, even though half of the things i said i did not understand what i said but the point is i was sorry for causing a mess.

'It's okay , i was in a rush too.I am sorry' the girl said softly . Then i realized it was Mia! Stupid me ,why do i always fall into embarrassed situation while i am around her. Out of all these students, i have got only Mia to bump into! Great timing! I was mentally annoyed with myself. But yet having to hear her, talk with her and being close to her ,those moments are worth it.

I said nothing, i looked at her, she looked at me and then she said 'bye' and she walked away. And i missed her. She left behind a pen of hers , i kept it with me as a memory of her.Sound stupid but it was precious to me. I was behaving weirdly though and she was to be blamed for my behavior!

Mia's Pov

Getting permission to go on the trip from Mom Dad seemed hard,  but as i was sure that Nicki is going to go i have to try out! How do i know? I inquire about it with Nicki's friends, Hannah, Grace and Qiana and all confirmed that Nicki is going so i should be going too right! No reason is valid for me to missed that. 

'Dad , college organized a trip and i have to go! Can i go please? ' I asked Dad in the sweetest tone ever. 

'No , if its not important , be home and study instead of wasting time!' He said in a strict tone. Then i got a great idea.

'Dad , you know this will count in my final certificate, it will give a great impact on how i usually with my classmate. Even a job will required it . It's important for me to get this reference and for that i have to go. Will you let me go ?'I said in a diplomatic way trying to make it seem that i a disliking the fact that i have to attend a trip!

'Ok fine, go but be safe and return home at time!' he said agreeing to me.

'Ok , Dad , thank you. I am so tired , really do not want to go on this trip thing but i have to.' I said in a utter fake tone and i feel such like a drama queen!

So , the trip is now about to unfold , the first ever trip i am going to have with Nicki. Hope all be good.

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