Part 16: Wanker with Used Tampon Breath

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I woke up and looked around. I remembered everything that happened but I'm back in my bed. Was it just a dream? Then I saw the note on my pillow. I picked it up and read it.

I warned you to stay away from him. Consider this your last warning.

I crumpled the piece of paper and threw it away. I walked down stairs. There wasn't a trace of the party from last night. Wait, how long was I out? Maybe it wasn't just a night?? The front door opened and a distraught looking Calum burst through it.

"I thought I smelled you here!" He said wrapping me in a hug. "Where the hell were you Bella? I couldn't find you this morning. I was so worried!"

"I went walking around town and found a dance studio. I haven't danced since we moved. I didn't mean to worry you Calum." I didn't want him to stress out over nothing by telling him. I wasnt even hurt.

"You danced??" I nodded and he picked me up in a big bear hug and spun us around. "You should dance more often Abby. You were the best dancer in New York."

"There are probably better people here Calum. I'd just embarrass myself." I said shyly. He looked absolutely flabbergasted at what I just said.

"Take that back! Everyone saw you dance last night. They loved you! The winter talent show is coming up next month, why don't you sign up and show everyone what you're made of?"

"I don't know.." I said looking at the ground. He grabbed both my cheeks.

"Please, for me?"

"Okay!!" He cheered and I rolled my eyes.


I was now walking into school with new found confidence. I was going to dance again, Calum had found his mate which was Elliot, and I finally came to terms that if Luke really wanted Kelsie then he should be with her. My wolf half-heartedly agreed although she still gets sad a lot. I walked into school with a light bounce in my step. I wore suitable dancing clothes because during free period I decided to go to the gym and practice. During morning classes Luke ignored me but i caught his eyes a few times. Every time though, he would look away with a pained expression. I couldn't take it and even though I accepted he wanted her Lena begged me to try one more time. When lunch came around I pulled him to the corner of the lunchroom.

"Okay here it is. Your choice. It' s simple. Her or me. And I'm sure she's really great. But Luke, I love you, in a really, really big unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me."

~kind of the quote from Grey's anatomy but I changed it around..

"What happened on Friday night broke my nonexistent heart. I could barely look at you knowing another male touched you in such an intimate way. I don't want that to happen again. It should be me touching you like that but in a loving way where you consent and aren't drugged, it should be me loving you, it should be me. I know I'm a jerk and all but I've had a change of heart. And if you'll let me, I would like a chance to love you in a way nobody else should." I was speechless. He rejected me for Kelsie and now he wants me back, I was not expecting this answer for sure?

"Kelsie?" I asked not looking him in the eye. He cupped my face in his hands.

"She's gone. I broke up with her and even if you reject me, I'm not going back to her." He stared into my eyes searching for an answer that I didn't have for what seemed like hours but was only a couple minutes. Then I saw different emotions cross through them. Sadness, regret, pain. Then he let go of me and turned away. "I see. Well, goodbye then." I watched as he walked towards his group of friends. Tears forced there way out of my eyes

"Luke!" I yelled without even thinking. He and everyone else turned towards me as I ran over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and my entire body tingled. Once he got out of the shock of everything he hugged me back. I didn't even try to hold the tears back this time as he lifted me up and kissed me with more passion and love than I have ever felt before. I wrapped my legs around him and I held on to him and kissed him like my life depended on it, which if we are honest it feels like it does depend on him.

"Finally!" We looked over to Lily and she looked ecstatic, "I thought you'd never get some sense knocked into you and get rid of that.. That.."

" Wichser mit gebrauchten Tampon Atem?!" I suggested.

"I don't know what that means but yes! That! What she said everybody!"

Someone scoffed behind us and I got down and turned towards it.

"Speak of the devil. Wait that's offensive to him, we are actually pretty good friends. Your a Wichser mit gebrauchten Tampon Atem." I said with a wink. The entire cafeteria was listening intently with not a sound.

"What did you just call me?!" She yelled turning red.

"A wanker with used tampon breath." I said while pretending to look at my nails.
"Excuse me?"

"Are you deaf or just stupid?" I said and she stepped closer.

"How dare you?" She said pointing a finger at me.

"I just did." I grabbed her finger and yanked her towards me, "Oh and I don't appreciate you pointing your scaly finger at me."

She went to hit me with her other hand but I grabbed it and yanked, successfully flipping her onto a table on her back. She got back up and took off her heels. I guess she isn't going to give up. I could feel Lena pushing to get out but I had to keep her controlled because humans went to this school as well. She came up to me and gave me a left hook. I side kicked her and grabbed her into a head lock, giving her multiple punches to the stomach. I grabbed her hair and yanked her to face me while I grabbed her wrists in the other hand. "You done?" When she didn't answer I yanked her hair harder, "I said, have you had enough?" She nodded and I let go pushing her away, but not before she grabbed me and whispered so softly nobody else could hear. "Just remember that was my last warning." I froze, realization hitting what she just said but I quickly covered it up and I walked over to Luke and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. "I'll see you later." I winked at him and walked out of the cafeteria.

Nobody made a sound as they didn't know what to do yet, to be honest I didn't either.

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