Part 19: Even After Death Do Us Part

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We were all hugging when I got a tap on my shoulder. I looked back to see the chick from Juilliard. She smiled at me which made me smile back.

"Hello, I'm Stephanie Lowett from Juilliard and I am pleased to inform you that Juilliard would love to have you join us next year." She said while shaking my hand.

"I'd love to! But I'm only 16, I still have another year in highschool." I said regrettably.

"How about this, you work hard on your dancing and during your summer break you come to a dance program at Juilliard. And then after graduation come back for another summer program until classes start in August. You are an extraordinary dancer and it'd be a shame to see such a talent go to waste." She looked at me hopefully.

As if I'd say no! Absurd.

"Absolutely! Thank you for the opportunity but I have to do something important." I said while looking at Luke.

She followed my gaze and smiled knowingly. "Here's my card contact me anytime. What's your name?"

"Abigail Smith" I said and didn't waste a second grabbing Luke's hand and dragging him to the car. I kissed him on the cheek and got in the driver's side while he got in the passenger.

"Whoa slow down there. What's the rush?" Luke asked. I didn't answer, I only grabbed his hand feeling the need for his touch.

When we pulled up to his house I pulled him out of the car. I jumped on him and tangled my hands in his hair.

"I'm ready Luke. Are you?" He got the message and carried me upstairs to his room.

I hopped down and pulled him over to the bed. I let my hands wander over every inch of him while he stripped me of my dress. I took his tank top off before pushing him onto the bed and crawling onto his stomach with my knees at the sides. I leaned into his neck and inhaled his scent. I felt my canines come out and I started nibbling his neck trying to find his sweet spot. When I heard him groan and his heart speed up I knew I found it I slipped my canines into his sweet skin and stayed there for about a minute, just savoring this intimate moment. I blew onto the new mark and feeling satisfied with his reaction went to his ear and whispered in what I hope was a seductive voice,

"Wanna play a game?"


I know the tattoo in the picture is on the arm but just imagine it on the neck


"Yes of course we used condoms! I'm not that stupid." But realized to late what I said and blushed.

"Condoms??? You go girl! I mean ew, he is my brother but I'm happy for you. I can't wait to meet my mate." Lily sighed dreamily.

"Someday you will."

"I still can't get over how beautiful your mark is Abby. It's gorgeous! I wonder what they mean?" Lily said looking at the hourglass with purple steaks on my neck. Luke has the same one but with blue steaks. When we woke up the bite marks we gave each other to show claim has changed and they are quite beautiful. And mates have marks that are meaningful.

Let's just say Luke and I made love last night. When I woke up I came downstairs to surprise him with breakfast and Lily find me and started helping. My smell had changed so she knew right away what happened but that didn't stop her from asking for details then immediately stopping me when she realized it was her brother she was talking about and just asked if we were safe.

I didn't realize I had spaced out until I felt arms around me and a kiss on the cheek. I turned around and when I looked into his eyes I knew exactly what our marks meant. We would be together even after death do us part. No matter where or how far apart we were, it was only a matter of time till we were together again.


The end.

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