Double Trouble

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I woke before Danny the next morning.

Blinking sleep from my eyes, I bit the inside of my lip when I noticed how close his face was to mine, smiling slightly in his sleep. What a dork.

Moving carefully and slowly so as not to wake him, I slid to the edge of the bed and slipped out of the room, closing the door gently behind me and tiptoeing across the living room to knock on Mason's door. I heard him grumbling an acquiescence and went in, pressing my back against the wood and waiting for him to sit up sleepily. The girl he'd brought home - Annie? Abby? - was making mumbled noises of wakefulness beside him as well.

'What do you want, dude?' Mason asked thickly, rubbing the back of his hand across one eye blearily.

'I kissed him.'

That got his attention. 'What?'

'I kissed him,' I repeated.

'Are you talking about Danny?'


'You... What? Why?'

The girl sat up now, looking between Mason and I curiously. 'Mason,' she said pleasantly, 'why is there a strange boy in your room while I am unclothed?' She was holding the bedspread to her chest with one arm but seemed largely unfazed.

'This is my brother,' Mason said, momentarily distracted. 'Dylan. Dylan, Abby.'

'Hey,' I said. 'Don't worry about your...' I gestured vaguely in her bodily direction. 'I play on the other team.'

'Dylan?' she asked, her eyes narrowing. 'Dylan, your brother. As in the gay one. As in the one Danny-'

Mason shushed her, making a face.

'Don't worry,' I said. 'I already know. About Danny. And his big dumb crush on me.'

Mason turned his confused, slightly panicked gaze back on me. 'How?' he demanded.

'I know everything. If there exists a fact, assume I know it.'

'Okay,' he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in the way that only I can inspire. 'You kissed him?'

'Right on his mouth.'

'And you're telling me this... Why?'

I shuffled from one foot to the other anxiously. 'Well. Um. I wanna do it again. A lot. But I, like, need you to be okay with it. If you're not, I won't.'

Mason blinked at me. Abby was looking at me like I was a fluffy baby animal.

'You want my blessing?' he clarified.

'I guess. I don't want anything to be awkward for you.'

Mason narrowed his eyes, looking at me carefully. 'You like him?'


He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 'Okay, dude. But this has to be a forever thing. You have to play this for keeps, because I won't choose. If it goes tits up. I won't. You have to be sure.'

I thought about it for a second and then nodded slowly. 'Okay.'

'And you're going into this fully cognisant of the fact that you're eighteen and this will be your first serious anything and that those have about a three percent success rate?'

I shrugged. 'I already sowed all my wild oats, remember? Under the bleachers? With the jocks? Remember, Mason? All the sex I had?'

Again with the nose-bridge pinching. I grinned.

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