Sweat, Blood, & Tears

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A/N: i believe some of you were looking for sequels


'Well, I know what I'm going as for Halloween this year,' I confided in Natalie Lawson, as she sat, cackling, across from me on her brother's couch.

    'I knew I shouldn't have left you two together,' Will observed, coming back into the room from his trip to the bathroom and glancing between us warily. 'What have you shown him?'

    What she had shown me was a photo on her phone of Will circa 2013, when he was my age, in a group picture with a bunch of his college friends at Pride, dressed in rainbow shorts and covered in body glitter. He was laughing and looked absolutely nothing like the Will Lawson I knew.

    'Just some twink,' I told him, grinning and handing his sister back her phone, while Will's friends, who had come over to spend the day hanging out, laughed.

    Considering most of my friends worked either directly for him, or were clients of Ironworks, it hadn't exactly been an issue introducing Will around as my new boyfriend - though it did come with its own set of challenges. For example, the fact that once we crossed over the gym's threshold he went from being "boyfriend" to "boss". And that the Bunnies now did their best to incorporate him into my weekly challenges, like insisting we play one-on-one basketball to best of three, or race one another in the pool - unfair, since he's a much stronger swimmer than I am, not that I'm complaining too much, because I'll do whatever I have to, to see Will in a swimsuit and dripping everywhere. (I think this may have been a component in coming up with the challenge as well. Not so much getting to see Will like that, but getting to see me getting to see Will like that. I have a lot more trouble with the boyfriend-to-boss switch up than he does.)

    And, predictably, the whole introducing-him-to-my-mom thing had gone well, since Felix had given him a glowing recommendation and because Will gave me a job straight out of high school without any experience. She laid into him about my dumbass get-fat-for-no-reason experiment though, but he totally nailed it - instead of rightfully pointing out that it was my own moronic idea he told her she was completely right and he should have never let me do it.

    Which is, like, borderline infuriating. Because, yeah, maybe my boss can stop me from doing stupid shit, but it's a whole other ballgame when your boyfriend says something like that.

    Whatever. I get veto power on half the shit he does now too, so I guess we're even.

    Like never getting around to introducing me to his friends, which I'm pretty sure he was trying to get away with. Because that was the only thing left, four months after my not-last-day when I yelled at him to kiss me and we made everything all nice and official three hours later. He already knew most of my friends and had passed the Mamma Baxter test, and I'd even met most of his family, which was nerve-wracking, let me tell you.

    Like, Will is my immediate boss, but they're technically all my bosses, since they own Ironworks. I'm a pretty chill, laid-back person most of the time, but if Will had made me inexplicably nervous for the past three years (because of my undetected hardcore crush on him), meeting the whole rest of his family made my stomach turn.

    I think he thought it was funny. Like, he didn't show it, not really. He was super supportive, just shrugging and saying it wasn't that big of a deal, but I'm not really used to having to impress so many people in so many areas at once. Like it wouldn't be good enough to just be a good boyfriend, nor would it be good enough to just be good at my job.

    In the end it was okay though. His sister picked us up from his place and drove us out to where their parents live outside the city and she's the polar opposite of Will - talkative, outgoing, endlessly cheerful. Kinda like me, I guess. And his mom was really sweet and his dad didn't say a lot but mentioned that I have an impressive employee record, which I think is the highest praise you can get from a Lawson male, so I'll take it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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