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Betty moaned softly while gripping her pillow. She did not want to wake up. She blinked her eyes and glared when she realized that her phone was just going to keep snoozing and playing her alarm. The Sound of Silence by Disturbed was filling her room with its haunting song. Over and over again.

She sat up and pushed her unruly hair out of her eyes. She eyed her nightstand, but did not see her phone. She frowned again and peered over her bed. On the floor was her phone, a hair tie, pen and a necklace. What in the world? She quickly grabbed her phone and shut off the alarm. She loved that song and it's haunting beauty, but it was way too early.

She climbed out of bed and stretched, trying to wake up. She'd had the weirdest dream of chasing lights and sleeping with a pillow that smelled like warm cinnamon cookies. She sniffed her pillow just to make sure she hadn't slept walked to the corner store. Nope, no cookies.

It was Saturday and she had the day off from her job at the care home. She was a CNA, underpaid and overworked. She loved her days off because she was able to be completely selfish- also pants were optional.

She debated crawling back into bed, but she had volunteered to play bingo with the residents of the care home today at 8 am- which gave her exactly 30 minutes to get dressed. Yeesh, so much for being selfish today.

She reminded herself of her reasons for volunteering: 1. She loved those crazy old people. 2. She had nothing better to do. 3. The recreation lady quit out of the blue and there was no one else to do it.

After she got her resolve back, she got dressed and ran her fingers through her hair. If she was going to have time for coffee (and god knows she needed her coffee) she had to get moving.

She opened her door and frowned when she saw two men standing too close for comfort. They were maybe ten feet away, standing between her town home and her neighbor's. It wouldn't have caught her notice, but they were both tall and muscular men. The one on the right was exceptionally well built and intimidating. She avoided looking at them, but still she could feel their stares.

She shivered slightly and hunched her shoulders while she quickly walked to her car. The entire way she could feel their gaze on her, spreading like fire over her body. Who were they and why would they be interested in her?

It wasn't that she was depressed or had low self esteem. She was a realist. She knew that she didn't have the looks to turn the heads of men that looked that good. She also didn't have the money to attract seedier types. If they were trying to stake out her house then good luck finding anything of real value.

She made it to her car and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw they were gone. She blasted her radio- playing Brand New- and drove to the care home to play bingo.


"B-4," she yelled out for the third time.

"What? I can't hear you, speak the hell up young lady!"

"B Bloody 4! Jack I know you can hear me. B 4. B4- Jack! B 4."

"She's being snippy again, Judith. I don't think she's getting enough prunes in her diet," Jack said loudly enough for Betty to hear.

"B4 Jack," she repeated resignedly.

"Oh! Bingo!" He said with a shit eating grin.

Betty thumped her head on the table but couldn't help grinning too. "Congrats, Jack. That's a wrap, I hope you all had fun. I'll see you on Monday."

She walked with a group of her old people to their rooms and said a more personal goodbye. She really did love her job. These amazing people had been mostly forgotten by the world- which was a shame and truly the world's loss.

Once everyone was at their preferred locations, she went back to the main dining hall and started cleaning up the bingo cards and chips. She was humming to herself softly when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Heya there, Betty! I thought you were off on Saturdays."

She steeled herself and turned to look at the man behind her. He was about her height, with blond wannabe Justin Beiber hair. She had gone out with him once a year ago and had regretted it ever since.

"Hey Josh..." She said with a fake smile, that she doubted was convincing. "Just came in to play bingo."

"Oh my god, why?" And that was why they never went on a second date.

Josh hated his job and dreamed of going back to legal school one day. Josh didn't see the people right in front of his face, he only saw inconvenient duties that he'd rather not be doing. The jerk face.

She pointedly looked at the hand on her shoulder and said, "Because I like playing bingo with them. They are funny and I enjoy their company."

He dropped his hand and shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat, Betty." He talked over his shoulder to her, "After work I'm going to a party if you want to come with- have some real fun with people your own age."

Her lips thinned and she replied, "Thanks, but I have a full night planned. Lots of excitement and what not."

He scoffed and continued on his way, making his rounds.

Betty fisted her hands and stared after the condescending jerk face. She would have fun tonight. She had a C.L.Stone novel to re-read. Plus, she had a soul unlike his ugly self.


She parked her car and glanced around, happy to see that there were no freaky guys lurking around. She walked quickly to her house and sighed with relief when she was behind her locked door.

She took off her pants, threw her shirt on the couch and walked into her kitchen. She absently scratched her belly and stared into her fridge. She hadn't ate anything yet today, other than her large black coffee. She'd chosen black because the mocha had way too many calories to waste on a drink. It was now lunch time and she was starving.

She stared at the sandwich she had prepared the day before, so that she wouldn't be tempted with unhealthy choices, and then at the cupcake that she had bought from the bakery. Screw it, she'd been forced to talk with judgy Josh and she deserved a cupcake, dammit.

She grabbed the cupcake and brewed a fresh cup of coffee. She sat at her table and savored the yummy deliciousness. Her table was in front of her kitchen windows, which were covered by yellow curtains.

She had a bite of cupcake in her mouth, chewing it, when her mouth hung open and out came bits of crumbs. Her wide eyes stared at a giant dog who sat in her yard staring right at her.

At first she didn't know which to react to. Why was a ginormous dog staring at her? It was creepy- his blue eyes were staring right into her soul. Just as scary was the thought: why was she able to see the big dog? The curtains were open just enough to see outside! How did she not notice that?

She jumped up and looked around the crack in her curtains to make sure no one else was in her yard. Good grief, she was sitting in her bra and panties and anyone could have seen her! She blushed and shut the curtains with one last look at the dog in her yard.

Hope you enjoy the story so far! Thanks to all of you who have liked my story and for the comments. I seriously love it!

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