The truce

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It had been a week since she'd last seen Jax or his stupid dog. She rolled her eyes when Kilala piped up, "Our wonderful is a wolf, not a dog." Fine. It had been a week since she'd last seen Jax or his stupid wolf. He obviously was avoiding them as much as she was avoiding him.

Kilala had been talking more to her lately. Talking, yelling, cursing, threatening ... the cat had learned an impressive amount of curse words from Jax and his pack. Every morning Betty woke up to a new form of destruction. In retaliation Betty made sure her bedroom door and windows were firmly closed at night.

They were currently working on a truce. They were both too stubborn to work anything out in the days before, but their fighting couldn't continue. They were literally fighting themselves. Jack had said that Kilala was meant to speak up for her subconscious. She didn't even want to think about the psychological effects of literally fighting with her subconscious. Hopefully today would be the day for peace.

Betty sighed and cleaned up the broken lamp from Kilala's latest rampage. She really needed to end this feud. It was time to give the stupid cat what she wanted.

"Are you there, Kilala? I'm ready to concede. You can have the damn window open at night. But if I leave it open, you have to stop destroying my stuff. And you have to agree to disagree about Jax. I don't like him or trust him. I will respect how you feel if you respect how I feel about him."

"The window stays open every night? No matter what?"

"Yes, no matter what that stupid wolf does, the window stays open."

"Deal! I will be able to see our wonderful again!" Kilala happily purred at the back of her mind.

"Yes, YOUR wonderful. He's my pervy neighbor who I don't want to see ever again."

Kilala sighed and then, "You're such a bitch. Can't you see? He did it for me. OUR wonderful didn't want me locked up in a room by myself.  He wanted to be there for me and he did it the only way he knew how. Unless you think you would have let his two legger stay the night?"

"Definitely not!" She scoffed. As if. She scoffed again for good measure. There is no way that she would have invited Jax to spend the night. She moved very slowly with her past relationships. She'd learned as an orphan to have very thick, sturdy emotional walls. It took time to learn to trust someone, and then they usually broke it. Jax was even worse than those men. He was pervy, maybe a little hot, but still a horrible liar and a brute. He wasn't allowed in her house ever again.

"And that's why he did it. I'm going to sleep now. I want to be fully awake for seeing our wonderful again!"

Betty opened the window for Kilala and then got dressed to see Jack again. He'd been avoiding her at work. Yesterday she'd cornered him just for him to fake a heart attack. She still needed answers. She didn't even know what planet she came from or what her race was called. Shouldn't she know these things?

At the old folks home she found Jack dancing and singing to Lady Gaga's Poker Face. She put a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. For an old man he was pretty spry.

"P p p poker face, p p p poker face
(Muh muh muh muh)" 

"Hi Jack."

He swung around and saw Betty and grinned. "Have you heard this song? It's amazing. I start listening to it and my body just starts moving!"

"Jack, everyone has heard that song."

"Really? Too bad, I was hoping I was on the cutting edge. Why are you here? Isn't it your day off?" He paused the music and gave her all of his attention.

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