Psalm IV: The Harlot

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Psalm IV: The Harlot

There was something disgusting about a man's blood. Its appearance was slime. Its scent was foul. Miles hated the thick feel of it on his hands, and the sight of it on his clothes made him sneer. Made his skin crawl.

But at least Ira was dead now.

It had been easy to do. A surprise, really. Miles thought the most experienced Blind of them all would have been more astute. Put up more of a fight, but he hadn't. Ira invited him into his home as if the two had been good friends reuniting after years of separation.

Miles, on the other hand, had been aware the subtle, but odd, bulges on Ira's chest and around his ankle were the indications of weapons. Guns probably. Everyone knew Ira liked guns and was known to be trigger happy, but he didn't shoot to mortally wound people. It was to stop them from fleeing. Miles heard Ira liked to pull out the bullets with surgical scissors and cauterize the wounds with a hot fire poker.

Ira didn't have a chance to use any of that though. As soon as he had turned away from Miles, he shoved an icepick through the side of Ira's neck. That was when his repulsive blood had started to gush out, but Miles hadn't allowed its revolting smell to stop him. Fueled by the fact that this man was so close to touching his angel, Miles had swallowed his bile and allowed his rage to consume him.

When Miles arrived home, he disposed of the silver tools he had used. He also burned his stained clothes. The blood darkened in the fire like black holes eating themselves, and he enjoyed watching them scorch. After a shower that cleansed him of the vile taint of men's blood, he went to bed. He was expecting a phone call the following morning.

It took three days for his phone to ring, and when it finally did, Miles knew it wasn't the call he was expecting even before he took his cell out of his pocket. The tiny projected screen that jumped at him showed an attractive and curvy woman that could only be the side woman of an Avid Eye member.

Miles knew what she wanted. And he wasn't in the mood.

He was about to ignore the call when he remembered she wasn't just the whore of any Avid Eye member. She was one of Quintin Malone's. And Quintin had been close to Ira.

"Yes, my beauty?" he answered the phone.

A honeyed giggle greeted in return. "I have time."

"And so do I. Here or there?"

"There with you. I love being in your room."

He bit back a sigh. It seemed like she had a lot of time. A lot of time to talk. He grinned. "I love you being there too."

Another giggle. "I'll stop by at seven. See you soon."

He hung up and heaved himself off of the bed. He stretched, feelings his body expand. Miles placed a hand on his abdomen, fingers trailing between the risen muscles. Another Ryod wouldn't hurt. He washed down the drug with a glass of water holding a pinch of the white powder Serhum had told him to take with it.

The clock read 6:38pm which meant he had less than half an hour to change his clothes and change his face and hair to please-what was her name again?-Melinda. It was hard to keep track of their names, but he excelled at keeping track of what they liked to see on him and what they liked from him. All he needed to do was see their faces for him to remember everything, and when she saw Melinda's face as she arrived, he saw nothing but lust.

Usually, Miles enjoyed himself when he had these calls, but today he was eager to be done. He was surprised and even impressed with himself that Melinda didn't notice his rushed touches and hasty movements. Now that she lay next to him, satisfied, it was Miles's turn. He faced her and perched on his elbow.

"Did my beauty enjoy herself?" he asked.

She smiled and nodded with a stretched out mmmm.

He removed a strand of hair from her lips. She always liked it when he did that. "How are things?"

Melinda gave an extravagant sigh and Miles smirked. This was why he had answered the phone call.

"Quinny has been very broody lately and hasn't been paying attention to me or giving me things. He's been like that because one of his friends died a few days ago."


"Yeah. He was sick or something and his illness killed him."

He was a sick one alright.

But this wasn't what Miles was looking for. He knew the Avid Eye covers up the murder of any Blind member. What he wanted from Melinda was confirmation. He needed to know he was going to have the job of exile.

"Is that all that's bothering you?" he asked, prodding.

Melinda was an obedient girl. She sat up on her knees and leaned close to him, the blanket sliding off of her naked body. There was excitement in her eyes. "No. Guess what else Quinny also told me."

"What, my beauty?" Miles asked. He was staring at her chest. Despite it all, she had the best rack he had ever seen.

"Alondro found an angel a few days ago, but it was broken."

Miles twitched at hearing his angel referred to an it, but he kept his distaste suppressed.

"Quinny's friend was supposed to exile it, but because he's dead, they're giving it to someone else. And guess what?"


"It's going to be you!"

Miles bit down his smile and put on an expression of awe. "Really?"

She laughed and nodded, her breasts bouncing. "You should be getting the phone call tonight."

Surprise genuinely overtook Miles that time. Tonight. That meant he was going to see his angel tomorrow morning. In a few hours, he was going to have her in his bed instead of this loose tongued tart.

His angel.

Miles pushed Melinda down on the bed, took her nipple in his mouth, and slipped a finger in her still wet cunt. He sucked and rubbed while he stroked himself against Melinda's thigh. Her surprised moans betrayed her wonder at his actions, but he wasn't hearing Melinda. Miles was with his angel.

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