Ending Hymn

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Ending Hymn

Miles had been staring at Vretiel in silence as he lay next to her. He would caress her cheeks, her shoulders, her arms, her legs, her lips. Occasionally, he would ignite a wave of goosebumps over her bared skin, but aside from that, she didn't react to his touches. Her stare was like rings of fire.

"Is it because you don't recognize me?" he asked her again for the umpteenth time.

She frowned.

He leaned forward. "Is it my eye?"

Vretiel opened her lips but remained quiet, and Miles signed in frustration. He ached for her to remember. He ached for her to react to him. She was the reason for all he had done. If she couldn't acknowledge him, acknowledge his touches, then what had he been living for? She had to remember him. Speak to him. Anything.


He drew her closer so they were almost bumping noses. She was warm. "I was there when you were ripping your feathers off your wings. It was eleven years ago. That's how long I've waited to see you again," he said.

Her face lit up as if her memories were life-giving. "That boy..."

He smiled and his chest swelled with the sweetness of her breath. "I wouldn't say I was a boy back then."

A pause. "Your eye."

"It happened back then too. Your first touch." Miles kissed her and ran his hand down her spine, over her hip bone, and to her inner thigh. Again, no matter how much he touched her, she was stiff and unresponsive.

He gritted his teeth, digging his fingers in her soft flesh. "Is it because of the Avid Eye? I'm not like them. I won't do to you what they did."

Vretiel slipped back into silence and Miles reached for her face, gripping her cheeks and chin. He shook her a little. "Why won't you just let me—Fuck."

He smashed his lips to hers. Their teeth clicked together and he tasted blood, but the burn of it on his tongue fueled him. He squeezed her breasts with both hands before he spread open her legs with one quick shove of his hand. Miles traced her cunt with his finger. It easily slipped inside and he felt wet warmness all around.

Surprised, he gazed at Vretiel. All along had his touches actually been kindling her? Her face was flushed and her chest rose and fell with ragged breaths that exited her parted lips. But her eyes. They appeared glazed and vacant one second, then filled with fiery hatred the next.

But she was wet all the same and that was enough for him. His thumb found her clit and his fingers moved inside her. She gasped and that tiny sound was enough to drive Miles wild. He buried his face in her hair and rotated between kissing her neck and sucking her breasts. All the other women he had pleased before were only practice for this one that mattered. The only one that mattered.

Her airy gasps evolved to moans of climax, and the sound of her, the feel of her squirming under him, had almost been enough for Miles to reach his own. He looked down at his angel. Her chest was covered in red marks, legs shaking, and nipples on her breasts erect. There was a cut on her lower lip from their earlier, violent kiss.

Miles bit his own lip. He was so hard, desired her so bad. He took off his shirt and when he brought his cock out, the air was enough to make him twitch. When he inserted himself inside Vreteil, Miles kissed her. He kept kissing her the entire time. Inside, she squeezed him and he pressed her to him until he didn't know if the warmness he felt was her skin on his or his own fevered body taking over.

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