Chapter 19

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Katy's POV

Officer Black attempted conversation a few more times during the ride, but I ignored every effort that he made. I was furious, but also embarrassed. Up until that night, I had been the one person in my family who stayed out of trouble and didn't have anything whatsoever on my record. But there I was, handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser, heading to the prison. And all because of a mistake.

"So, how old are you, Miss Katy Whatever-your-last-name-really-is? Or should I say Mrs. Katy Whatever?" Officer Black tried again.

I rolled my eyes in frustration. "Would you just shut up?" I said.

"You know you like talking to me. Or me talking to you. However you want to put it," he said.

"Quite the contrary," I replied. "Your voice is as painful as fingernails scraping a chalkboard and making that annoying screeching sound."

"Fiesty. I like it," he said.

"You are disgusting," I said.

"And you find it attractive, don't you?" he responded.

I decided to go back to ignoring him. I figured that my responses were just egging him on. I hoped that he would just hush and spend the last five minutes of the ride in silence. Of course, that didn't happen. I shouldn't have even hoped. The way my night was going, nothing good could happen. I just knew it.

"You ready to get locked up?" Officer Black tried again. He let out an annoying laugh--actually, I think it was more of a giggle, which I found extremely repulsive. "Maybe I need to frisk you before we go in though."

"Touch me, and I'll kick you wear the sun don't shine." I had to reply to that comment. No way was I going to let him put his hands anywhere on me.

"Threatening a police officer? Wow. You're just trying to rack up charges," he said.

"You know what?" I said. "You need to get a life. This is all a mistake, which will be sorted out when my husband comes to get me, and then I'll laugh in your face. I might even call my lawyer and build up a case against you for sexual harassment. I know for a fact that you could be suspended for that. On top of that, you are way to full of yourself, with absolutely no reason to be. You are more than disgusting. You are repulsive and a first class idiot."

Officer Black didn't say anything for the first few seconds after I finished my rant. "Look here, you need to shut up. Didn't I already read you your rights? Anything and everything you say will be used against you in court. Did you miss that part while you were pouting?"

"Shut up," I said.

Surprisingly, he complied. Not another word was spoken between us until we pulled into the station. Officer Greenfield parked my--Jordan's--car before opening the back door for me to get out. He led me into the station and sat me down in a chair beside a desk. There was a phone right in front of me. "Do I get my call?" I asked.

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat