Eight: Preparation For The Guests

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When Michal was fully out of sight. Sandra struck me with the most unusual question.

"Who was that cute boy." She asked, smiling as she poked me into the side.

"That was Mi— no one." I stammered, my face turning all red.

"You've got a boyfriend now, isn't that so." Jeered Sandra, teasingly.

"No, not really." I uttered, choosing the wrong combination of words.

"Mmm, so you finally admit to him being your boyfriend." Replied Sandra, holding me hostage my words.

"No. Really? he's not my boyfriend. Unless you're talking in the sense that, I'm a girl and he's a boy, then yes! He is my boyfriend." I replied smartly.

"Stop acting smart? You know exactly what I mean?"

"Well... If that's what you mean then, the answer is definitely, hell no!" I replied, getting up from my blanket and walking off.

This conversation was heading in a direction I didn't wish to go, and I refused to have any further talks about Michal. I was feeling veery uncomfortable with the subject of a boyfriend.

Sandra realizing I was really not into the boyfriend talks, didn't follow. Nor did she try re-emerging the subject when I returned a few minutes later.

That night after a few group hugs, the group parted and we each went to our separate homes, I didn't leave however without confronting Andy for his number, which of course I got.

When I reached home I took a quick shower and changed into my nightie.
While doing so, Michal drifted into my mind, I tried shutting him out. But I couldn't. His handsome, polite, charming face, just seemed to reappear here after. I really liked him a lot. But I wasn't sure I could love.

Getting into bed I hugged my pillow and slipped into fairyland. I dreamt I was with Michal and we had children. How awkward? I was shaken by the dream, I was terrified. I was real scared.

When I got up the Sunday morning I was both terrified and excited.

"What's happening to me, am I falling for Michal? A total stranger?"

"That's not possible," I told myself reassuringly, as I forced all thoughts of him from my head.

This Sunday morning was unlike any other. Sundays are naturally boring, I would usually sleep until around 12 noon.

The only persons who get up early on Sundays are the church freaks and others like my mom who feels it's a bad habit the let the sunrise you in bed.

Church freaks? By church freaks, I don't mean I hate church. It's just that the church isn't in union with my lifestyle, and I couldn't see myself changing to please them.

My mom attends church, but not regularly. She used to bring me along with her when I was a little girl. But ever since my sixteenth birthday I really haven't been there more than twice. I really don't like what the pastor preaches. Love, and marriage.

The two most boring and stupidest thing I've ever heard. Who loves? The Christ. And we killed him. Then why the hell should I love?

Today Sunday. I was up before 7, cleaning, dusting and wiping. Polishing and scrubbing.

Mother was very surprised. I'm not the type to be seen cleaning, and up before 7, this must be some miracle. She was really bewildered.

"Darling is someone coming over today," She asked, positive my response would be 'Why? no.'

"Yes mom, I met our new neighbor at the park yesterday and he asked to come over for dinner tonight."

"You? You invited a boy over for dinner?" mom asked, a secret smile visible on her face.

"Not exactly mom. He asked if he could come over, and I said yes. I didn't invite him."

"Okay. I'm so happy Sasha, you've finally found a boyfriend." Replied mom hugging me tightly.

I was feeling very uneasy. Who said I found a boyfriend. First Sandra, now mom, and I, I were having these weird dreams. Something was definitely wrong.

After a few minutes which felt like forever mom released me from her hug. Kissed me on the forehead, then walked off towards the front porch.

After much cleaning and preparation. Elegant dishes were spread out across the table, and the hosts waiting patiently for their guests.

The close of the day had finally arrived, and we embrace the darkness, as the sun slipped below the hills.

"Bing, Bing, Bing"

At about 6 pm sharp, the doorbell rang, and I rushed to get it. Almost tripping on the rug, as my feet went under it.

"Must be Michal" I whispered to myself, taking a deep breath before opening the door.


Dear Readers: This book is to be published Soon, however, I'm leaving the first draft online for all to read for free. If you're enjoying it, please help spread the word by VOTING, COMMENTING, ADDING to your public reading lists, and SHARING with your friends.

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