Thirty-Four: Wedding Plannings

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At the break of dawn I was inadvertently awoken , as Michal got up and started moving around, getting ready for work. My eyes followed his every move, and when it was time for him to leave. I was battling away tears.

"Don't think about anything darling, everything's gonna be just fine" Michal whispered into my ear, drying my tears with his fingers then kissing my forehead.

"If you want me to take the day off? I will." Continued Michal.

"No. You go to work, I'll be just fine" I sniffed, giving him a weak smile.

With that, Michael was off. I really didn't want Michal to leave, but I couldn't force him to sabotage his job. That just not fair.

The rest of that day was spent at home with my family. Mom in the kitchen, and dad confined to his study —When dad's home he often works from his study.

On the other hand, Michal and his dad were together at work and his mom at home.

Lazily I stretched out on the largest of the three living room couchs. That's how I spent the mojarity of the day. Idly and bored. —

As I switched the cable channels, in search for something interesting to watch dad came walking by.

"Dad. What time is Michal's parents coming over? Have you already phoned them?" I asked.

"Yah. I phoned his parents early this morning. They'll be here at around five PM." Replied dad.

"Okay, thanks dad"

"You okay Sasha? You sound a bit tense" Commented dad, moving towards the couch where I was stretched out.

"Dad I'm fine. I'm just stressed. I don't want anything to go wrong."

"Everything will be okay my little darling" Replied dad reassuringly, kissing me on the forehead.

"I'll handle everything. You've nothing to worry about."

Dad's a very nice guy, and he very smart too. Whenever dad talks, I always feel a sense of relief. He always handles things very well.

Like the time I had fought with a Wendy in third grade. I was so scared of been placed in the detention room. My dad came to school with me the next day and had a word with the principal. —

I don't know what my dad said to the principal, but I got off with only a warning!

After assuring me everything would be okay, he walked off towards his study and I placed the remote on the center table and dozed off.

Hours later I was awoken by the sound of loud chattering coming from the dining room. Quickly I got up from the couch where I was resting and walked to the dining room door, from there I looked in. Inside were Michal, his parents, and my parents.

Really? Everyone's so happy about my wedding that they're doing the planning without me? How awkward I said to myself, walking into the dining room.

"Sasha you're awake. Come on in and have a seat" instructed my dad, motioning for me to have a seat just as I entered.

"What do you think about the elections? Hillery Clinton or Donald Trunks? Who do you think a better president?" Asked Michal's dad, directing the question at my dad.

"You're just like when we first met. Politically entangled."

"Well... This is the U.S, we're the ones living here, and I think its imperative that we choose the best candidate as president." Replied Michal's father.

"Your right. From the current information at hand. I think Hillary Clinton is the more desirably president. Can't trust Mr. Trump with nuclear weapons. I'm however very much concern with Clinton's health."

"Agreed. " Commented Michal's dad, lowering his glass of wine.

"Let's now shift our attention from the political rivalry of Clinton and Trump and focus on the matter at hand. The wedding." Highlighted my dad.

"We've got a wedding to plan." Commented both moms in union, their faces beaming with smiles.

"Now as it relates to the wedding. What're your plans?" Asked Mr. Clark, turning to my dad.

"Well... I haven't anything planed. I'm largly of the belief that the mojarity of planning should be undertaken by the bride and her groom. I will mostly be facilitating with the funds." Replied My dad.

"Your absolutely Right, the planning of the wedding should be undertaken by the bride and her groom. Keeping in Mind the amount of money available for the event." Said Mr. Clark, pausing briefly before continuing.

"After all,  the wedding should be a very memorable moment for the bride and her groom, and therefore it should be customized to their likeness." Reinforced Mr. Clark, looking around to see if all were in union with his presumption.

"You are indeed correct," responded my mom, and Mrs. Clark nodded her head.

I could hardly believe both moms had agreed upon this so easily. You know how moms like to meddle in everything? And by that I mean Every Thing?

After all this was said, the wedding planning began. The date, venue, caters everything. Everything was agreed upon and set.

Everyone made suggestion, but the ultimate decisions were taken by us. Michal and I.

Bride and groom. Those two words for once sounded like melodies as I repeated them over and over in my head, and for once I knew. I was ready to be wed.

I was just so excited, I couldn't resist the temptation. Without realizing, I was kissing Michal. Yah, right there, in the dining room, before both our parents. I kissed Michal, and he took it French.

I felt embarrassed French kissing in front of our parents, but our parents were the least bothered. Instead they seemed very excited. You should have heard the thunderous echoes, produced by those four small hands, while we kissed.

My happiness however, soon turned to embarrassment and my embarrassment to loneliness, as Michal's mom whispered something into my mom's ears. My mom nodded and then they both whispered something in our dad's ears, and they too nodded.

All eyes were now on us. I looked at Michal and he looked back. What is it now? I wondered. What is it they're planning on throwing at us?

"You're gonna have to stay apart for the two weeks before your wedding." Blurted out, my mom.

I was hurt. I didn't want to think about being lonely. I didn't want to be away from Michal neither did Michal.

That night after Michal's parents left and we were to my room there Michal kissed me and said;

"I don't want to go, but I must respect our parents' decision"

"I'll call you each day before work, and we can talk on the phone at nights"

"Yes. I'll be waiting" I replied, kissing him on the lips.

With that, Michal took his suitcase and left. These two weeks would turn out to be the longest I've ever experienced!

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