Chapter 21- The revelation(part 2)

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Chapter 21

Minori's POV

My hand stopped its comforting motion of patting her back as the fragmented memory slipped into my mind.

Trish was right. I did try to kill myself, if that memory was anything to go by.
Apprehension and fatigue overwhelmed me. I suddenly felt tired and uncertain about my earlier decision to find out about the truth that laid behind everything that has occured so far.

They say that a fool knows no fear.Have I been acting like a fool?I only started asking all of these questions because of all the intriguing mystery that has been surrounding me.Yet, the truth that has been revealed thus far makes me question if some secrets would be better left alone.

Take my apparent suicide attempt as an example. I have always scorned those who self mutilated as a way to escape. And yet,I did something much worse.

Was it going to be worth it then?If I had tried so hard to forget about the past,even to the extent of attempting to get into an accident to forget everything, would I really want to remember?

"I am sorry I lost control. Please give me one second to regain myself." Trish suddenly sounded, breaking me from my internal battle.

With a quick swipe of her dull cotton sleeves against her wet cheeks and a step backwards, she took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Cheonwu looked relieved.

"Let me begin from the start.Do you remember Camp Quinox,that stupid camp that we were always made to go?Well, it started there.I remembered that you had a major fight with your father,prior to the start of the camp when you saw him with his mistress..."

Yes, this sounds familiar...

2 years ago

My hands clenched into fists that swung wildly by my side as I was frogmarched by THE IMPERIAL GUARDS, the name that I gave to the lackeys aka body guards that Father hired,to the front of the campsite.

Childish as it was, I had hoped that my careless swings would get at least one of the emotionless robots who were "protecting" me at the moment.But of course, being the top body guards with the stupid ninja skills that they had, my efforts were nothing more than just an errant child's mischevious actions to them.

Okay,not that they weren't in the first place, I admitted mentally.

"Miss Minori, I hope that you would have a pleasant time at the camp. We would be back to pick you up at the end of the month, when the camp is over." Sebestian, my father's favourite stated with a smile plastered onto his face.

Should I be honoured that someone as important as Sebestian has to be sent to ensure that I would reach the final destination without much trouble?And why the heck is he smiling so brightly?Must he be so blantant in expressing his happiness at my exile?

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

As you could probably tell,Sebestian was not my favourite person on earth.In fact,he could probably be counted as one of the people that I detested the most.

Or maybe the person you envied the most?

A tiny voice interjected at the back of my mind.

I quickly squashed that thought out of my mind.

Sure,he may be extremely acomplished for a twenty year old,and is the top of the secret service that my father hired,and has a nice body and he fits my mould of the perfect guy with his tall height,he was anything but the perfect guy that his appearance said he was.

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