Chapter Seven - His light brown hair and dimpled smile-

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The mirror was my biggest enemy at the moment.

I threw my bag at the side of my bed and then walked slowly to where the mirror was. I had a scar, big deal! I’ve dealt with it and accepted it and now I smiled trying to forget that it’s ever there.

Why did he have to remind me that it’s not that easy to ignore? That it was still there?

My face was blank as I stared at myself in silence. The scar was obvious and it made me feel ugly.

I closed my eyes and then got my cell phone from my pockets to dial Natalie’s number.

After a couple of rings, she answered happily,

“Hey Roya!” I smiled and walked away from the mirror to get the blanket on my bed and then I returned to the mirror to cover it.

Feeling more confident, I sat by the window and said,” hey Natalie”

A silent moment passed and she said,” took you long enough to reply. What’s wrong?”

I closed my eyes feeling ashamed but I spoke anyways,” I lied when I said I had a boyfriend.”

I could hear her breathing accelerating through the phone,” okay, how about we gossip for a while about your life?” she suggested and I couldn’t help but frown looking through the window to be startled at the sight of Abraham’s car still in place with his form sitting on the car smoking a cigarette. He looked deep in thought and a part of me regretted calling Natalie since I wished I could watch him. He looked beautiful in a way.

“I think I do need that” was what I said regardless of how I felt. Even though I wished I would hang up, friends were there for life and even if Natalie wasn’t going to stay my best friend, I’m willing to take the risk to see if she’s worth it.

“Okay then, I want you to lie on your bed and close your eyes and then say whatever comes to mind.” She ordered and I nodded to myself before doing what she said. “Done, Natalie”

“I’m all ears” she whispered and then a long silent minute passed with my eyes glued to the window. I wished I could stand up and watch him some more, see if he was thinking about talking to me or apologizing maybe.

“Roya, it couldn’t be that hard” she said and I sighed thinking of what to say.

“I am messed up.-“she was about to speak because of the heard intake of breath so I stopped her and continued,”- my parents hate me and my father acts like a father to all school except his real daughter. Yesterday, the guy I told you about, that isn’t my boyfriend, was the one who tried picking us up a couple of days ago. I’ve seen him randomly and he was obviously drunk and a car was about to hit him so I saved him. He wanted me to identify the car and I did. In the end he humiliated me, commented on my scar, said I was just a girl he needed for a while and stuff like that. So my life practically sucks big time”

A long moment passed with Natalie silent but then she hummed and said,

“let’s grab a pizza” I raised my eyebrow and asked,” what?”

“Let’s go get some pizza. When girls are unhappy they need to eat fats and stuff”

I chuckled and said,” Seriously?”

“Yes! let’s go!” she urged and I wished I could punch my dad three times in a row,” I can’t Natalie, my dad punished me.”

“Oh, so that part was true?” I nodded to myself before saying the words.

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