Chapter Thirty - No revenge-

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  • Dedicated to Number '30'

** Wow, I actually can’t believe I’ve reached chapter thirty since I’m known to write short stories mostly. The first novel I’ve started here was thirty chapters only so to know this novel isn’t done yet and reached the thirtieth chapter makes me feel good. *smiling*

For everyone who commented, thank you very much. For every one who got affected by last chapter’s drama, keep a head’s up and for everyone who thought Christian’s story was not that understandable; don’t worry he was supposed to be confusing.

I hope each and every one of you –who comments, who votes, who does neither- to enjoy. I love all of you, and I just LOVE this novel! Haha

There you go:

Chapter thirty:

A growl made me flinch as my fingers twitched and suddenly all noise stopped. I froze where I was, what was happening?

I snapped one eye open to see Natalie holding the collar of Blake’s chemise and the flush on her face proved to me she was fighting with him. Blake however was smirking at her and then turned to look at me followed by him breaking free from her and coming to kneel down next to me. I looked around feeling a little better than I was a while back and realized I was in Abraham’s room. Natalie seemed in a daze and I had to smile slightly and croak,

“Hey Lil’s” she spent a little time just standing there before she was able to react by running towards me and pushing Blake away before hugging me close. A pain shot through my whole body cramping my feet making me yelp.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry” she muttered weakly before running out of the room. I turned my head to look at Blake who had moved around the bed and sat on the other side of me. I smiled at him and was about to speak when he mumbled,” we thought you were dead.”

I frowned and raised my hand to hold his; he seemed to understand because he saved me the trouble of burning so much unfound energy in defying gravity.

“Javier received a message saying you were dead and he freaked out which led me and Natalie to hear him and then we freaked out and then we decided on coming to Abraham’s not knowing—“ he shot me a nasty yet soft look at the same time,”—you guys broke up the day before.”

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, so then what I felt yesterday about Abraham feeling something for me was wrong.

“I T-thought yesterday—“Blake frowned and shook his head,” you’ve been sleeping for three days”

I widened my eyes,” how many days have I been missing?”

He winced at my rough weak voice but answered nonetheless,” 19 days”

My heart dropped and I tried to breath, but I failed. Blake called my name in fear before helping me sit up and then called a name. I couldn’t listen, all I could see were foggy figures approaching me and something warm held my face.

“His name is Christian—He’s Alec’s brother” I muttered and suddenly everything around me froze. Natalie stuttered,” w-what?”

I blinked my eyes thanking god I resumed breathing again and pressed my palm against my chest then lifted my head to look at Abraham who looked back at me and then retrieved his hand before walking to the opposite side of the room. Blake noticed that and rubbed my back secretly.

Abraham’s eyes were on Blake’s hands all the time.

“Alec didn’t have a brother” Natalie spat before passing her fingers through her hair, I shrugged and then said,” Abraham had killed Alec and his twin brother Christian pretended to be Alec in my life for months till he realized he loved me and so he had to fake his own death—“

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