New Character

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Rena Mikara
Age: 17
Grade: 2nd year
Class: 2-D
Personality: is crazy and funny, likes anime, can be loud and obnoxious, likes to skateboard, her parents don't approve of her behavior, even if she acts like a total idiot she is the smartest one in her class.
Love Interest: Kyoya!!!


Your Imouto-chan is back baby!!!! I know it's been like a thousand years since I've updated! Sorry, sorry, sorry, (3,000 words later) I'm really sorry! *dodges vase* Hey isn't that the one Haruhi broke? Uhh never mind! I just wanted to say I will be updating tomorrow maybe even late tonight but it will most likely be tomorrow. And also a new character will be added and that character is dat_otaku_doe_ also known as Rena. I would love to stay and chat but Honey wants to have a cake eating contest and trust me you never want to cancel Honey-Chan's plans.

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