Chapter 3

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Aiden's P.O.V (Back to the night of the club)

God I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten a proper meal in three days. I'm walking in the woods, waiting to find something good to eat. Ever since I was nine, and I ran away from home, I have been having cravings for deers and rabbits. The voice inside my head won't shut up either. He has been going on and on about something good happening soon. Yeah right, nothing good ever happens to me, and he is starting to annoy me.

Hey! Take that back! I'm the only one you have right now, says the voice in my head. Sadly he is right, I have nothing. No home, no family, no friends, and no food. While walking, I hear some rattling coming from a small bush on my left. I turn to it, wondering if it is going to be my next meal, only to see a rat run out of it. Oh well, food is food. I start running after it until I make it to a building with lights and music coming from it. It must be a club.

I soon spot my dinner near the dumpsters and start slowly walking towards it, trying not to scare it away. As soon as I am about to grab it, I smell the most amazing thing ever- Strawberries and roses. Huh, that's a weird combination. I was too busy sniffing the air for the smell to hear anything, not the voice in my head, and especially not the big scary dude yelling at me.

I turn to the voice of the guy, to see him running at me with a baseball bat in his hands. I forget about the smell and start running to my safe haven and personal hell- not sure how that is possible- and run around the trees trying to lose him. I come up to a lake, and jump in. Being in the woods, you tend to learn a few tricks, for example when you jump into a body of water and then come out a minute later, the big scary beast that is chasing you can't smell you.

It has worked well when I have encountered giant wolves on steroids-monsters.... like me. I get out of the lake and run into the other part of the woods in front of it, successfully losing the guy. I make it to the cave that I have been living in since I was first ran into the woods ten years ago. I breathe in deeply for a bit, before hearing my stomach grumble. I groan before getting up and continuing on my hunt for food.


(fast forward to when April smelled him outside her window)

The past three weeks, I couldn't get that smell out of my head. What kind of food or plant was that? The guy in my head has been depressed these past few weeks, making me depressed also.

I walk around the forest, trying to get me some more food, especially to hold me for the rest of the day. I kept walking- and occasionally running when I heard a noise- until the sky got darker. I have found myself some rabbits and squirrels, but I have been trying to find a deer or fox for dinner.

I keep walking until I smell that weird aroma again. The thing living inside of starts moving, making a headache start to form inside of my head. I follow the smell until I come to this giant house. I stay hidden in the comfort of the trees so that I wouldn't be seen, trying to find the source of that smell.

I was just about to walk closer when I heard a growl come from somewhere on my right. I turn towards the sound to see a giant light brown wolf. "Oh no," I whisper before I start to run away to the cave I sort of live in. The wolf has been joined by two others and now I am running in between trees to try and get away from them, until I finally reach the lake.

I run to and jump in, staying in there for a minute and then getting out and running into the trees again. I look behind me and find no one there. Phew, thank god I lost them. I walk back to the cave to eat the food that I somehow still kept  a hold of. Once I am finished, I curl up on the cold floor and fall asleep.


(present day)

It's been a few days later and I haven't run into any other giant wolves. Now bears on the other hand, I have run into at least three. Those suckers are hard to kill. It would have been easier if I had let the monster out, but I promised myself that I wouldn't.

The monster within me is the reason why I am living inside of a cave in the middle of the woods anyway. I am walking around the woods, trying to find some food-again- until I hear some growls and whimpers. A jog towards the sound to see about four wolves fighting, two looking very healthy, and another two looking really dirty. I can't really talk, I probably look like I have crawled out of a sewer and then rolled around in horse shit.

I watch the fight for a little bit longer until I go in to try and stop it. That backfired completely. I ended up getting scratched along the side by one wolf, don't know which one, and then the two dirty ran off. leaving me on the floor gasping and clutching my wound. Two guys look down at me with disgust clearly written all over their face.

I mean, I know I'm no stud, but at least leave me some dignity. I guess they don't care about dignity because they start to pick me up roughly (not even caring about the giant gash on my side) and then drag me into this building. After dragging me down a flight of cold, dusty, stairs, they toss me into a cage like cell.

I groan a bit in pain, before trying to get up. My attempts are futile though, because two more guys come in and start punching and kicking me. I moan, and cry out in pain at the sudden blow, when I hear a loud and booming voice yell, "that's enough!"

The two guys walk off, leaving me on the floor to wallow in pain. I am about to pass out when I smell that scent again. I feel tiny and warm hands cradle my head and put it on their lap. Why are their tingles going through me?

The person brushes my hair out of my eyes, before I hear a soft, melodic female voice whisper "mate" in my ear. What the hell is a mate? But her voice sends a jolt of pleasure through me and I don't know why, or what's happening.

Go to sleep buddy, you're safe now, whispers the voice in my head. I do just that, and pray for something good to finally happen for once.

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