Chapter 19

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Aprils P.O.V.

"It all started when I was nine years old, and I had shifted for the first time," Aiden began. "It started out as a normal day, with me, and who I thought was my father at the time, in the living room. He was watching TV and I was doing my homework when I felt immense pain." He is talking about shifting. Usually, pups do not shift until they are around sixteen, eighteen for girls. There would be those few occasions when a male or female pup would shift early like Aiden if they had a father who was in high standings and was absent. 

"It had started in my legs and moved to the top of my head. I felt my bones break and then get put back together in a weird position. About an hour later, I open my eyes and see that I am covered in fur, and Dan was looking at me with so much fear. Then all the fur disappears and I am back to myself. I looked over at Dan with tears in my eyes, but he did nothing at the time." He continues. He is looking at our joined hands and is pale in the face. 

"After ten minutes of him just staring at me, he said that it was time for a bath. When I had gotten undressed for my bath and he put me in, he.... h-he..." he said, then he started to sob. I pulled him into my embrace, holding him tight and rubbing his back. I didn't say a word, knowing that he just needed me to comfort him for a bit longer. After about two minutes of him crying on my shoulder, he pulled back. I wiped his tears for him while he continued with his story.

" He said that what he was doing now was only because he loves me, and that he was trying to get the evil monster out of me. My mother was out at work that day and was only going to come back later on that night." He pulled up the long sleeve shirt he was wearing and then removed his bracelets, keeping his hand faced down. He took a deep breath to collect himself, and then turned over his wrists. What I saw made me gasp and tears build up in my eyes. Two long marks were there, one on each wrist.

"He had taken apart one of his razors and had made these marks on my wrists. Once he did, he got up told me to stay in the bathtub and that if I got out he would punish me. I know how horrible his punishments were so I stayed in there. He left the bathroom and closed the door after saying that the monster in me will leave soon. I don't know how long I stayed in that bathtub, maybe an hour or two, until I fell unconscious from the amount of blood loss."

I had started to cry with him and I could tell that he still had more to say. "I was only found later on by the police, and that was only because Dan had told our neighbours about what he had done and where I was. When I had woken up in the hospital, I had freaked out so much that I pulled the tubes out and ran off into the woods. I lived in them for ten years, too afraid to go back to that house for it to happen again," he finished. 

I pulled him closer to me, and kept repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over again. I was apologizing for not being there to help him. He hugged me closer to him and said that it wasn't my fault and all of that. "Is that why you don't like taking showers in bathtubs?"I ask him. He nods his head and tells me that whenever he gets into one, the memory from that day resurfaces. He also told me that when he has his nightmares, they are about that day too.

After comforting him some more, he pulls back, "does this mean that you still want me as your mate?" He asks me. I grab his face and kiss him with all of the love I have in me for him, "I wouldn't trade you in for anything," I tell him as soon as I pull back.

I see so much happiness, relief, and affection in his eyes after I said that. He kisses me again and brings me back into a hug. We stay near the lake for a little bit longer, until he pulls away slowly.

"April?" He timidly asks me. 


"Um, well you see. Now that you know about my past, and that you accept me, well I was wondering if you would, maybe, um I don't know..." he says.

I cup his red cheeks in my hands, "tell me Aiden," I say softly.

"Would maybe be my girlfriend? I mean I know we are mates and all, and we are meant to be together for a long time, but I wanted us to take it step by step," he says/ asks me.

I kid you not, I smiled the biggest I have ever smiled in my entire life. "Yes," I whispered, afraid that if I spoke louder than he would say that this was all a joke. He smiled back and gently kissed me. I felt him tense under my hands, so I pulled back to make sure everything was okay, but when I looked into his eyes, they weren't his normal black ones  but yellow- Blaze was at the surface now.

"Must mark mate," he lightly growled. I gasped, hoping- no praying- that Aiden will mark me. He leans closer to me and looks at my neck, and then he pulls back. I see him blinking and then Aiden's black eyes return. "April, I- uh," he stammers.

"Aiden it's okay," I reply.

A few minutes pass by until I hear Aiden whisper, "Is it okay if I do?" 

"Do what?" I ask.

"Mark you. Is it okay?" 

I nod my head, sending out a thank you to the Moon Goddess for granting my prayer. 

"How do I do it?" He asks. I tell him to start off by making a hickey and then let his wolf take over. He nods and then starts to look for my sweet spot.

He knows he's found it when I moaned, and then he smirks. He starts to suck and nibble on that spot, and then moans when I tug the hair at the base of his neck. After another two minutes of him sucking and nibbling on that spot, I feel his canines grazing it. I whimper in pleasure, and then later in a bit of pain when his canines tear through the skin. When the pain disappears a few seconds later I moan in pleasure. 

He pulls his teeth out and then licks the wound, then he kisses it before pulling back to get a better look at it. He smiles and then gently glides his fingers over it, making me shiver and sigh. 

"Can I mark you too now?" I ask.

He smiles and then nods, "please do, I want everyone to know that I am taken by the most beautiful girl in the world."

 I lean in and start to kiss around his neck trying to find his sweet spot. When I reached the little spot that connects his jaw to his neck, he groaned out in pleasure. Bingo. I start to suck and nibble on the spot for a little while and then let Clarity take over. She grazes his neck with her canines, boasting with pride when he shivered, and then she bit into his neck, causing him to wince. He moans one more time before Clarity pulls back and then licks his wound. 

I gain back control and, just like what Aiden had done, I kiss his mark. He sighs and I pull back to look at it. It's my wolf nuzzling Aiden's wolf with a full moon behind them. 

We get up and then walk pack to the pack house and to our rooms to get ready for bed. When we finish up, Aiden walks into my room with his shirt off, his mark out on show for everyone to see, and for the first time since I have been sleeping with him during the night, he has taken off his bracelets. 

He crawls into bed next to me and pulls me close. I take both of his wrists and kiss his scars and then kiss his lips before curling up into him and falling asleep.

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