Moved out

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Friday was just irritating. Rumours here, rumours there. At least we didn't take it seriously. Which is great. I just hope it'll be gone on Monday.

It's Saturday, I'm ready and I just put my things in the car.

"So are we picking up Katherine?" Jesse said.

"Yeah, I think."

"Great. We wouldn't want her to be left out, would we?" She wiggled her brow teasingly.

"Whatever. Your the one who wants her there."

"Yeah, but then I realize you like her. So I more want her there. Come on now!"

We arrived at Kath's place. Jesse was the one who knocks. A mid-aged lady answered us.

"May I help you?" She asked.

"Were here for Katherine ma'am." Jesse said.

"Katherine? Sorry kid, I'm just new here. If you're asking about the old owner of this house, they moved out."

Moved out? Why?

"Do you know where they are?" I asked.

"I think they're in the old apartment  down street."

"Do you know why they moved out?"

"Uhh...They didn't pay the rent so they were kick out."


"Thank you ma'am. We'll go." Jesse said then dragged me back to the car.

I just stay quiet after that.

They desperately needed a money? Why didn't she told me?

Black Heart (GirlxGirl, lesbian)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt