Chapter Twelve

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          We're beginning to fall into a pattern, and I'm finding that as long as we can both live with what we're doing then it's fine to do whatever we feel is right. After all, we're safe as long as we take precautions, right?

         That's what we keep telling ourselves at least.

         Which is why we only go to his house when Jack happily notifies me of his plans with Callie. Connor knows all about them and tries to just ignore it, but I know it's making him mad. Yet, Cade is an entirely different story, we never really know when he's going to come home, and that's mostly why we're always freaking out while together at his house.

         I can't help but enjoy the thrill of possibly being caught, but I also worry about the day that we don't listen well enough and do get caught.

         “I'm not really sure any of this is a good idea,” I say standing there awkwardly in Connor's room for the fourth time in one week. He's wanting to be able to consider me his boyfriend. I mean I guess that's what I am, if you want to put a label on it, but what's the point when neither of us is willing to tell anyone?

         “I mean we don't even know each other really, it'd just be stupid,” I say, carrying on with my argument. Though, I've never been really good at arguing I know that this time I'm right, and the worst part is I think he knows it too.

         “Who cares?”

         He's staring at me, as if I just ran over his brand new puppy repeatedly, and I can't help but think how doomed I'd be if I let that face win me over. Completely and utterly doomed.

         “I do,” I tell him and then cross my arms. “I care a lot actually.”

         He snorts at this, somehow finding me amusing. “Yeah right, you care?”

         I begin to argue with him, but he holds his hand up in front of my face as soon as I open my mouth to speak.

         “Wait,” he says calmly. “I'm just saying, who's it gonna hurt to try?”

         Technically, this entire situation has the potential to hurt the both of us, him and I. Yet, he seems to be completely oblivious to it all. What a freaking idiot, he can't be seriously considering this can he? How could anyone consider this, this is just absolutely ridiculous.

         And yet I want him to keep insisting, to convince me.

         “Let's start over,” he says suddenly, a spark glistening in his blue eyes.

         I send him a questioning look, start over?

         “Yeah,” he says beginning to explain already having realized that I have no idea what he meant, “ Like you can say hi, I'm Liam Kinglsey an attractive but arrogant douche-bag who has a way of ruining everything that's good for me even though I'm in dire need of it.”

         I laugh, even though he's technically insulting me. This guy.

         “And I'll say well hey there Liam, I'm Connor Hawkins, and I'm here to rock your world,” he says confidently. “Or something like that, but just know I'm the cool, handsome, clever one that everybody loves.”

         “Alright,” I say, giving in, “ But you should say I'm Connor Hawkins an egotistical guy who can't seem to keep my paws off innocent young men no matter how much they decline the offer,” I say casually. “That's all, I'm not a big deal or anything.”

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