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"Are you done with your homework?"

Annabeth turned from her desk and looked to her right, where Percy was sprawled on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"I just started, seaweed brain! I can't finish my homework in 5 minutes!" she sighed, looking back to her stack of papers and textbooks.

"But you're smart! Not just smart- Athenian smart!"

"And you're Poseidon dumb. Let me finish my homework."

"Can you take a break??? Please??"

Annabeth turned from her desk on second time and felt her cheeks pull into a grin. Percy was sitting on the edge of her bed, making his baby seal face. She gave hims wry grin and tapped her pencil's eraser on her chin.

"Should I?" She said, enjoying Percy's pleading face.

"Come on Annabeth! Would you rather do homework or me?"

Annabeth nearly fell off her chair.

"PERCY!" She yelled, as the realization crept across his face, bringing with it a brilliant red blush.


Annabeth looked him in the eye, "You."


Percy Jackson: And The Argo II CrewWhere stories live. Discover now