Time for a make over

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I woke up to what felt like someone poking my face. As my eyes slowly drifted open, I came face to face with Harry who was smiling proudly at me. He then dipped his head and began to leave sweet kisses on every area of my face. I giggled and playfully pushed him away, finding myself actually enjoying this.

"I love waking up to you," Harry whispered in my ear, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer to his body. It was then that I realized he was shirtless.

My body stiffened when I felt his warm skin touch me. This was an odd feeling for me. Never had I ever slept in a boy's bed before. Yet again, Harry had taken another first from me.

This isn't normal. Get out of the bed, Veronica.

My conscience was telling me the thing that I should do, but I didn't want to do the right thing. I wanted to lay with Harry even though him being shirtless gave me an uneasy feeling.

"I've got a surprise for you today," Harry said, beginning to cover my neck with kisses again. "You may not like it, but it's something we have to do if I'm going to take you out."

This confused me. Eyes widening, I played the scenarios of what the surprise could be over and over in my mind. It was something he was going to do to me. How odd. However, when he mentioned taking me outside, I became a little hopeful.

"You're taking me out?" I asked excitedly, sitting up in bed, looking at Harry promisingly.

He smiled. "Of course. I'd love to take you out. But you have to promise me you won't try and run."

I nodded eagerly. Come to think of it, running away didn't even cross my mind. Harry had now planted this idea in my head. Of course, I would plan something. I needed to get away from this life. Missing Dad, Ava, and Laney consumed me more than anything and I had to get back to them. Harry would forget about me soon after I escaped anyway, right?

Harry rolled out of bed and stuck out his hand for me to take it. "Come. Let's have breakfast."

We had a quick breakfast that consisted of a bagel smeared with cream cheese, raspberries, and blueberries. Rather on the healthy side, I know. I then dressed quickly in a dark blue sleeveless sundress, which would definitely meet Harry's approval.

When I skipped out of my room, I noticed that the bathroom door was open and the light was on. "Harry," I called out, peeking my head in the doorway. "Are you in here?"

Harry was inside, adjusting some items around the sink. What I saw lying there freaked me out a little. A pair of scissors sat on the edge, along with different types of brushes, and, believe it or not, dark brown hair dye.

I had an idea of what this stuff was for, but I asked anyway. "W-what is all this stuff?"

Harry ignored my question and stepped behind me, closing the door and locking it. I began to panic, fear rising within me. I turned around to find Harry staring down at me. His eyes were filled with apology and remorse.

His hand rose to my head. He began to gently roll through my blonde locks and he whispered, "I'm going to miss your hair. But in order for me to take you out, we have to do this."

That's when I realized he wanted to change my hair so people wouldn't notice me. I had been all over the news recently and I'm sure everybody had my face engraved in their brains. But since he wanted to do this, nobody would notice me now and I might not ever get home...

I grabbed his arm as he pulled me forward onto the chair sitting in front of the sink. "You don't have to do this," I said. My voice was filled with panic because I knew there was nothing I could do about the situation. "I'll be good. I promise. Just take me some place where there's no one around." I pleaded with him until tears started to form in my eyes. I didn't want to change my hair. It was the only thing I actually liked about myself.

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