A lilly Linton burrito

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Despite all the hints I'd failed to see the obvious signs of an approaching cold, well what with Mr Ambrose & the beauty of the Egyptian lands along with the mystery of highwaymen to distract my thoughts was anything else to be expected?

'Sigh' oh why oh why did I come on this cursed trip?

Well it wasn't all that bad.. sang a little voice inside my head, especially the certain parts that involved Mr Ambrose.

'Damn you' I said, rolling over to my other side not in the mood to argue.

Yes, me not in the mood to argue, not the most usual occurrence, but how can you expect me to summon the energy to make valid arguments when I feel like my blood is boiling & my bones are melting.

If you have yet to make the proper conclusion, I am sick, sick and feeling highly feverish.

I never thought the day would come when I, Lillian Linton, empowerer of women & the representative of feminine strength succumbed to something as silly as a cold, a mere cold! that too in the middle of Egypt.

After I almost fainted on the maid today, she rolled me up into a blanket bundle & ordered me to lie and rest on the bed while she made me soup & informed my 'husband' of my feeble condition.

I almost bit her head off when she said feeble, how dare she, then again I wasn't feeling particularly strong today morning, besides she was a woman herself afterall, her intentions were undoubtedly unlikely to have been to belittle another woman's strength.

I buried my face into the pillow & sighed again, I seemed to be doing a lot of sighing today morning.

Not shortly thereafter I heard firm footsteps fast approaching, footsteps that could only belong to one person. I heard the door being thrown open and his eyes immediately settled on my lying form atop the bed.

I spied something akin to concern in his eyes, but it was gone as soon as it had come.

'Have you no sense?' he asked 'to fall indisposed whilst we're in the middle of something so vital & dangerous.'

Despite feeling quite feverish I felt anger ignite within me, here I was laying sick & if he couldn't spare any concern, the least he could do was spare me his nonsensical scoldings!

'Why you arrogant cad!' I tried to shout, but it came out more like a whimper in my sick throaty voice & I started coughing violently again.

Mr Ambrose was by my side in seconds.

'Miss Linton! Are you all right?' He asked.

'Why sir, I did not realise you had a caring streak in you.' I said looking up at him, weakly attempting a smug face.

His face showed not an iota of emotion. 'Surely you understand we must keep up the pretence, & having to play the part of a loving husband I must, unfortunately take care of you.'

'If by taking care of me you mean to scold me' I let out in a raspy voice ' then I would much rather be left on my own, thankyou very much.'

'Shutup & drink this.' He commanded, extending a cup of vile liquid towards my face.

I eyed it distastefully, it looked pukeworthy.

His eyes narrowed infinitesimally at the face I was making.

'You will drink this miss Linton & I will brook no arguments.'

I looked up at his face to see determination set in stone.

'No.' I shook my head.

'Would you rather I force it down your throat?' He asked calmly.

The nerve of the...!

I glared at him. 'You wouldn't dare!'

'Love' He said, dragging the word out and making it sound like a poisonous hiss. 'Drink it!'

'No.' I shook my head more firmly. 'I most definitely w...'

And before I realised it he had forced my mouth open squeezing my cheeks together with one hand and poured the vile concoction down my throat. 

I spluttered, coughing as the evil tasting liquid slid down my throat.


That is all folks, The next chapter shall contain the continuation & I will endeavour to update it when I find time. - Lady Pearl ;D

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