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He did it! He actually did it, I couldn't believe it! Well I could, he was Mr Ambrose after all! Still, that did not by any means give him the right to lord over me.

He had tried to show off his authoritative power in front me, Me! Well, I'll show him not to mess with feminists.

I gave him my best fierce-eyed glare, yet he seemed unfazed. I narrowed my eyes further & scowled in an attempt to intimidate him, but he remained as passive as ever.

Damn him and his cool as a cucumber attitude.

How dare he? How dare he remain so unperturbed after forcing medicine down my throat? Looking up at his stoic face I had the sudden urge to bash his face, with something...hard, or maybe just... pull his ears or...bite him.

I will get back at him if it's the last thing I do, but..maybe not right now, once I'm feeling better. Ah yes..once I feel better I will most definitely get him back, I consoled myself. Right now though, my sheets were beckoning me and so I sunk into the mattress.

The medicine must have been sleep inducing, for my eyelids felt quite heavy and I was slowly slipping into a delirious state.

I felt Mr Ambrose's form shift towards my side on the bed and presently I felt the back of a cool hand on my forehead, it was so cool and yet made me feel so warm, I sighed in content.

I peeked through my eyes and saw Mr Ambrose's granite face hovering above me, except it didn't look so hard anymore, his eyes looked almost...soft? The hand hadn't moved from its position on my forehead.

'You're burning up, my love' He said in a low silky tone.

Listening to his voice was oddly comforting, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and so I asked of him without a second thought, 'Sing for me!'

If I were in a right state of mind I'd have realised the ridiculousness of the statement. Alas!  I was not myself today.

'Excuse me?' He asked, seemingly taken aback.

I like listening to your voice, sing for me!' I repeated.

'Miss Linton, I.....I don't...' 

'Blast it, why won't you sing for me?' I asked, easily getting annoyed in my delirious state.

'I don't sing, such frivolous activities are distinctly unnecessary and therefore not part of my schedule.' He replied in a firm tone.

Before I could argue he went on. 'I will however converse with you, if only to put you to sleep.'

'By all means' I replied. I could deal with that.

And so it was that he began his one sided conversation, talking of his business dealings, half of what did not make any sense to me.

I felt a smile begin to form on my lips, he will never change will he?

Oh well, I don't care tuppence if he talks business or gibberish as long as he didn't stop talking.

His deep and melodious voice was like music to my ears, rolling over to my side I took hold of his cool hand and cupped it under my cheek, sighing as I soaked in the coolness.

Apruptly I heard the voice stop, I waited for a moment, when still, no more sound was forthcoming I urged him on. 'hmm...continue.'

'I..yes, so the....project consisted of...'

Strange...his voice now seemed a little strained, how odd..

I did not dwell too much upon that thought.

And like that listening to his voice, I felt sleep overcome me.


I Apologize profusely for the delay in updating, but I had boards to give! - Lady Pearl :D

In the eye of the storm *A FANFIC *Where stories live. Discover now