Journey's Beginning

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Chapter 24

"Do you have everything?" Marie asked worriedly as I walked through the wide corridors, Lily and Willow on one side of me, Tessa and Helena on the other. Marie was flitting around either side of my long train. She'd babble endlessly until she needed to make a note in her portfolio, then she would run to catch up with us. "You have the white gown and the cream colored one. You have the black one for when you visit the mausoleum..."

"Marie," Helena said, putting her hand on the girl's arm, "She's only going for a few days. You have done a wonderful job preparing her." I rolled my eyes as I hiked up my traveling skirt to walk down the large marble staircase that filtered into the courtyard. "Lily and Tessa will take good care of her."

"Please," Marie snapped, looking like her head was going to explode as she contemplated the idea of me being in the care of Lily and Tessa of all people for the next week, "If only I could get away, but with the coronation... I couldn't possibly..."

"Josephine is staying behind as well," I said, rolling my eyes. "And she's a Westlake!" Lily snorted at my incredulous tone. "Lily and Tessa are more than capable of keeping me presentable until I arrive back. They're even going to find a way to get me into that ridiculous purple and pink gown you chose for my arrival in Westlake and my debut at the palace ball the night I get back. I still can't believe we talked you in to letting me wear the same thing." She looked like she was going to vomit or cry, I couldn't tell. The seamstresses had sworn there was no way they could make two of the creations, not in time and with the amount of other dresses being commissioned for my coronation, my coronation dress of gold and white already had a train so long that it would span halfway down the aisle of the church and the massive staircases that led to the alter. (I'd promised them paid leaves for that lie). Marie and Helena had gone a little over board for my visit. The carriages were already loaded down with three huge trunks, one for each day of my stay in Westlake. The poor seamstresses needed a break.

"Please do not get it dirty! That dress is the first thing countless ambassadors will see you in!" She cried out, clutching the book more tightly as tears filled her eyes. I quickly looked at Lily who groaned, but stepped forward to grab her arm.

"Enough of that." She said tenderly in her harsh accent. "The coronations going to go off without a hitch. You and Josephine have planned the thing to a T. And like anything will happen to that dress when Tessa watching over it."

"Plus I have my grandma's recipe to remove any stain. That dress with not be tainted by our messy Princess." Tessa comforted, touching her back as well. Marie closed her eyes, nodding and taking a deep breath.

"The first wave of guests is arriving tonight. I need to check to make sure their travel arrangements are in order," Marie said. She paused and then threw her arms around me, the book hitting my back with a thump as I looked at Willow, who was stifling a laugh, in shock. "Be safe, please. And have a wonderful time." Then she turned on her heel, half running and walking off. I looked to Helena who sighed, shaking her head. We walked out into the court yard to the applause of the court that was waiting there, surrounding the walls. I smiled as I saw Henry and Josephine waiting for me. I smiled, walking over to them. Henry embraced me before pointing out the carriage I would be spending the two-day journey in.

"Good luck," Helena said, curtseying to me. I smiled, doing the same to Willow and her. Fitzgerald walked forward next, embracing me, making the court whisper.

"Be safe," He said, his eyes still holding the sadness of the news he received a few days ago.

"I will. Please promise me you'll hold down the fort while Henry and I are gone." He smiled sadly, nodding. I turned to Helena as he went to shake Henry's hand. "Tell Marie to keep an eye on him. She's got enough on her plate I know, but Fitz will at least be somewhat open with her." Helena nodded.

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