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Summer was dawning again. The palace was buzzing with the start of the new season as nobles arrived by the dozen to attend the events that were put together by Josephine and more recently, Tessa. I attended the war cabinet meetings, I smiled at balls and dinners, and I tried to be the best Queen I could be given the situation.

It had been eight years since the battle at the village. Seven years of peace and prosperity. The country was thriving under newly opened trade between us and Rashold, and the capital was enjoying a steady stream of visitors and merchants from Thanir, Royavieve, and more recently, the Republic of Vinland. So far, there had been a few skirmishes between former soldiers, but no major violations of any part of the treaty had been committed by either side. Half the time, I was enjoying my reign, the other half, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Micah had married Elouise in a quiet ceremony in Westlake a year after the battle. She had blushed and giggled all throughout the event, and Micah had acted the blissfully happy, finally married fool. They relocated to the Portaval province after a year at court. Micah would be taking up the post of Count there, and would be in charge of monitoring the actions of the two overseers, one appointed by myself, and the other appointed by Jefferson. He was wonderful at it, and most of the time, I only heard about transgressions after they were dealt with. Elouise had given him two children, a little boy, Paul, and a daughter, Merriam. She was expecting their third. The little boy was as shy as his mother, and whenever they visited court, he was teased mercilessly by Lily's little girl, Hannah.

Lily hadn't married her soldier, but instead married John Bradley, a distant cousin of mine with an estate south of here, on the border with Thanir. She missed the North, I could tell, but Bradley was worth it, she claimed. Their little girl was as red-headed and mischievous as her mother, and she had Bradley wrapped around her little finger. She was only five, but she caused enough trouble to thoroughly annoy my staff, all of whom got very large bonuses whenever Hannah came to visit.

Helena and Willow had all married away from court over the years, but Tessa had stayed. Marie had left with Fitzgerald for Thanir as soon as the snow melted the year the war ended. From her letters, I could tell she was enjoying her new home, and I could definitely tell being a Queen suited her. Fitzgerald, however, was the same childish man that he had been here. They had been crowned two years ago, a ceremony I was unable to attend due to a dispute between two lords over who would inherit a relative's estate.

Every year, the court seemed to get busier and busier, and eventually, I knew I'd have to take over making sure the proper people got the proper invitations for the right events when Josephine finally decided she had had enough of dealing with the court. But right now, I just had to listen and make decisions and sign papers. It seemed like every noble had a new venture they wanted the Crown's help in pursuing. I could barely get a minute alone to breathe, let alone to read or write or just think.

Every now and then, I locked myself up in my chambers, alerting the guards to keep every one at bay for a few hours. But somehow, a few rascally nobles always managed to get in despite my orders. I was propped up on my lounge when they made an appearance, attempting to read a novel that Echolyn had sent me.

"I thought I told the guards not to let anyone in." I snapped, closing my book, and tilting my head back as the door opened and shut.

"Well, it's wonderful they also answer to me then." Elijah said, walking over and resting his arms on the back of the longue as he leaned closer to me. "Hello." He whispered, kissing me briefly. I raised a hand to cup his face as I pulled back, smiling.

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