2: We are in the present

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Every time I looked at the door my heart dropped to my stomach. The anticipation of starting school in a new area with new faces and people was not one that I wanted to entertain.

"Hey," Jace said as I arrived downstairs, his mouth full of pancakes and maple syrup running down his chin.

"Yeah, yeah, morning. Please close your mouth, that's disgusting."

"Only for you," he replied, cheekily.

After devouring around 7 pancakes, Jace and I both went to tell Justin we were leaving. Justin had applied to one of the best colleges in Atlanta and had been accepted. He started his classes at around one. Lucky. We went in and he was half awake.

"Justin, we're leaving," said Jace.

"Yeah, get lost," he replied.

"You know, most older brothers would tell their younger siblings to be safe, make friends, listen to teachers and occasionally disobey them, but I guess your an exception," I said, helping Jace out.

Justin immediately sat up, glaring at me. "You know, most younger sisters wouldn't be responsible for their parent's death, but I guess your an exception."

That shut me up. Completely. I rushed out not looking back once. I hated crying. I wasn't emotional. I couldn't afford to be emotional when life constantly played biased and one-sided games with me.

I heard some yelling upstairs but after a second I saw Jace quietly slip out of Justin's room and once we were down the stairs he grabbed my shoulders and spun me around so I was facing him. "Kate, that was not your fault. Justin's just being his usual grumpy self."

I nodded, even though I knew it was all my fault. The most awful part of everything that happened that night is the fact that my brothers have no clue as to why it happened. They didn't know the whole story and contemplating whether or not I should tell them ate me alive inside. But their safety has been my number one priority for the last six years. Endangering them for my solace would never be fair and lead to nothing but harm. I could never do that to them.

Justin may never forgive me for what he wants to blame me for, but he's still my brother and he and Jace are the only family I have left. He has made up his mind on what he assumes had happened that night, and I won't tell him otherwise.

He's never been the same after that night, always seeking comfort in the worst of things. Many being illegal street fighting, drinks and exploiting girls. Jace had me to fall back on and I had him, but Justin had no one. Nobody understood how he had to grow up too early and take on the weight of responsibilities he should have never been burdened with in the first place , how he had to learn to shave on his own, how everytime someone found out what had happened to our parents, they would look at him with distorted compassion and then never speak to him again.

There was enough on his plate and that's why whenever he snapped at me or resorted to anger I would never bite back. You can never fix hatred with hatred. I solely believe that to help and change someone's perspective on things and life, love is the only way.

And even though things haven't changed, I know one day they will. I am determined to make them change. And I will.

"We're gonna be late, come on," I said.

Jace just nodded.

A/N: Heyyy:)

I've been hinting throughout this chapter that Kate has a past.
I hoped you like this chapter.






Stay FaBuLoUs

Finally FallingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon