10: It's on

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Two days had passed since we discussed and agreed to carry out the plan. All my classes went by in a blur. All I could think of was the plan. What we would tell the group. We were voting on not telling the truth, but they saw right through us. At least Cassie and Stephanie did. So here we were now listening to Jace tell them the whole story.

"Wow," said Cassie, baffled and impressed.

"How did you get Brandon to agree, I mean he's Brandon."

"I was being a good person," he said, touching the spot where his heart was and feigning mock hurt.

There was something very wrong with him today. He actually started a conversation at the table without being provoked. He even smirked multiple times. I don't know what it was but it was creeping the hell out of me. He was being so unusual.

"Guys that's not important, what is important is that we actually pull this thing off."

"Got it," they all said in unison. Now that was creepy.

"Urghhhh, I can't believe we still have one more day to go till the weekend," said Steph, completely out of the blue.

"Hey, Harris is throwing a party tomorrow night. We should go," suggested Jesse.

"Who's Harris?" I asked, oblivious.

"He's on the football team," replied Jace almost instantly.

If he was on the football team, then it was obvious that all the guys knew him since they were on the team as well. They had a game coming up on Monday. They were all super excited, well Brandon was as excited as Brandon could get. Jace was especially excited since it was his first game here. There was one time when all the guys just talked about the upcoming game and the best players. So far all I knew was that Jace was definitely needed since he was an exceptional player and then they had this whole talk going on about how Brandon and Jace were the best on the team and blah blah blah.

I've seen Jace play a million times, but never Brandon. I guess I'll just find out if he's good or not at the upcoming game.

Olivia's randomness happened again today. She was all nice to me and asked me if I'd join the offer again. But this morning in history, I saw her staring at Jace in a very different way. It was like she wanted to eat him. She looked him up and down continuously. It really freaked me out. I knew how much of a manipulative person she was and my brother was not going to end up with her.

The bell rang cutting me off from my thoughts. There was a chorus of goodbyes as we were leaving. I was heading to my locker to grab my books just as I felt a presence behind me. Curiosity killed the cat. I turned around to find a guy with black hair trailing behind me.

"Hey, your Kate, right? I'm Harris."


"Hi, yeah I'm Kate. Can I help you?"

"Yeah, urmm I'm having a party tomorrow night. I was wondering if you wanted to come."

I was just about to answer as a familiar voice butted in.

"Yeah, she'll be there, now goodbye."

"Oh hey Brandon, you coming to?"

"I'll see, now goodbye," he said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me away. I called out a goodbye as I was forcefully being dragged away by an idiot.

"That was so rude Brandon."

"I am rude."

"You're also Captain Obvious for that matter."

"Shut the fuck up. Anyway, we aren't telling anybody in school about us, right? Like us being a thing- fake thing."


"Good, the last thing I need is for people to think that I would actually date you."

Oh no he didn't. Insert sassy tone.

"Yeah, the last thing I need is people to think is that I would let you date me."

"You better choose your words carefully, because if I don't want to carry out that fucked up the plan of yours, it's over. The whole scheme is over," he said, his voice heavily laced with venom.

"I can get anyone else to do it. I can ask Jesse or Caleb or anyo-"

"Justin thinks that you're dating me. So when you suddenly switch guys, what's he going to think?"

He looked at me for a solid second and it felt like my mouth had just clamped shut without asking for the permission of my brain. He was right but I wasn't going to admit it.

"Didn't think so," he said with an arrogant smirk.

This was wrong. I always had the last word or sentence. Always. I was just built like that. But him, he makes me want to punch him multiple times then laugh. That's it. Continue the plan but this is war. He's going to find out the hard way not to mess with me and piss me off, just like Jace did. Let the prank war begin.






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