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               Ashton had finished work around nine that night, Luke was laid across the small couch he had in his office, asleep underneath Ashton's jacket with his own clothes on under the jacket. He stood, facial features tired but he didn't let that stop him from smiling at the boy who was curled up, hair in his face, lips parted as small snores left his lips. Ashton strode over, work bag over shoulder; he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his temple.

"Sweetheart, c'mon, 'm gonna drive you to the dorms." His long fingers dragged across his cheek and then moved to is forehead, softly brushing the hair out of his eyes.

Luke's soft blue eyes opened, "Okay..." He breathed and made grabby hands to the male, "carry, please."

Ashton obliged to this, happily picking the male up in his arms, making sure Luke had wrapped his legs around his own waist. Ashton's lips brushed across his cheek before heading out the door. Calum was already gone, he had left around seven to take Michael somewhere, probably the beach. Ashton pulled Luke up closer and stopped walking, nuzzling his head into Luke's to wake him a little.

"Hm...? Car?"

"No, baby, can we go somewhere? I want to take you out."

"Absolutely, would love that." Luke was still tired but shook his head to wake up a little.

Ashton started to walk again, hitting the down button on the elevator. He waited and thoughts ran through his mind about Luke, ever since yesterday this had been happening, he felt more for Luke. Not that he would admit this aloud, even to Calum. He couldn't, Luke was too young and had too much ahead of him and these relationships weren't about love- but money. Ash let out a sigh, elevator dinging when it arrived, he stepped in and pressed the lower level button.


Ashton and Luke were in the car, heading to the downtown area. Ashton could hardly focus on the road. Luke had his head rested against the window, soft lights flashing across his face as he watched outside and they passed buildings. Ashton loved how Luke's eyes would light up due to the brightness of the outside street-lamps. Luke hadn't noticed the stares and shifted to look at Ash.

"Bored, can I play on your phone, left mine at the dorm."

"Of course." Ashton wiggled the phone out of his pocket, "But I doubt there are many games on there, feel free to download some though. I want you to be entertained."

Luke happily took his phone, "Thank you, sir," He started to type on it, "Wait, uh, passcode?"

"9373." Ashton murmured, taking a left turn, fingers gripping the steering wheel a little more as he drove.


"'Course, baby."

The drive wasn't much longer, about ten minutes and Ashton had turned on the radio station to a pop station which all that seemed to playing was some song called 'stretched out' or '70 Years'. It didn't even matter since Ashton couldn't focus on the music but only his baby. He parked and unbuckled, turning the car off as he got out. He went to the other side and helped Luke out. Luke smiled and handed back Ashton his phone.

"Here you are kind sir." Luke teased and skipped around the boy as he waited for direction.

Ashton laughed, hugging an arm around the hyper boy, "Calm down." He murmured and kissed below his ear.

Luke pouted and shoulders slumped, "Where to?"

"Follow me."

Ashton tugged the male towards the left and then down the street a little before they came across the main streets where there were people of all ages and cultures running around and laughing, racing down to the beach that wasn't too far. Ashton kept a tight grip on Luke so no one grabbed him or Luke got too curious.

"What's happening?" Luke asked as he looked up at Ashton.

"Just a little festival. Partly strawberry and then music down on the beach, sound good?"

"Sounds amazing! What're we doing first?"

"Well aren't you hungry?"

"Super hungry." Luke mumbled and looked down to his belly as if it would return in answer, surprisingly it did with a growl.

Ashton laughed at the male and gave a nod, "Alright baby, well strawberry waffles, strawberry salad, or I'm sure we can find some hamburgers somewhere around here." He mumbled as he looked around, "But they'll probably have a special on strawberry smoothies or something, but we need to save some room for everything."

Luke's mouth was practically watering at all the options, "Uh, salad." He nodded, hugging his arms around Ashton, getting a little nervous with all the people around.

Ashton could tell he was nervous and held him closer before offering, "Ride on my back?"

Luke's face lit up and he smiled as he nodded. Ashton knelt down and let the male clamber onto his back. Ashton started to walk to the organic restaurant down the street, wanting it to be healthy for Luke. He passed lots of people and lots of items that he could tell Luke either wanted or wanted to try on, because he would lean in closer then lean back when they would walk away. Ashton chuckled under breath before walking into the restaurant, ducking so Luke wouldn't hit his head.

"Two for a booth." Ashton's voice was loud so the waitress could hear him over the rowdy crowd, eyes staring into hers.

They were led to the booth, Ashton set Luke down on the inside on the booth then scooted in beside him. He handed Luke his phone so he could play on it. Luke let his head rest against Ashton's shoulder, letting Ashton order for the both of them. The two didn't talk much as they ate, only small gestures of affection, small kisses and nuzzles. The rest of the night was quiet- well as quiet as it could be with hundreds of people running and laughing around them. Ash and Luke both shoved strawberries into each other's mouths and Ashton made Luke try on bracelets, necklaces, sunglasses with strawberry charms on them, and rings. After shopping, they left to the beach. After dancing around and goofing off with each other, they resided to the edge of the beach where the music wasn't so loud and the faint buzzing of human conversation was low.

Luke had his head was laying in Ashton's lap, Ashton's fingers carded through his hair softly, Luke's eyes watching the full moon and drawing in the sand softly, and lastly Ashton gazing down at Luke.

Ashton heard a familiar song and hummed along before singing the chorus, "And now we're stretched out."

Luke let out a laugh, "Did you just say stretched out?"

Ashton's eyebrows raised and he nodded, "Yeah, that's the song."

Luke sat up and laughed harder to the point he was wheezing, "No! It's stressed out."

Ashton's cheeks lit in a blush and he pouted his lower lip out, "Oh- I- Uh..."

Luke laughed a little more and leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, shaking his head and laying back down as he repeated 'stretched out', giggling. 

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