2: Learn Something Islamic

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Bismillahi rahmani raheem
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

What, you think you can just get away with reading 20 pages of Quran a day and claim you did "so much" during Ramadan? You're fooling yourself.

Allah (swt) tells us that seeking knowledge is a Muslim must. What better knowledge is there to seek during Ramadan other than Islamic knowledge?

I recommend listening to at least one lecture from a Ramadan series a day, so you have a set schedule. Anything by Mufti Menk is my favorite, but there are many others to benefit from.

A few lecturers I recommend listening to (and taking notes from) include the following:
~ Mufti Ismael ibn Musa Menk
~ Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan
~ Dr. Bilal Philips
~ Sheikh Hussein Yee
~ Sheikh Yusuf Estes
~ Sheikh Karim Abu Zaid
~ Sheikh Khalid Yasin

And of course there are plenty more. These are just the ones my family and I mainly listen to.

However, do be careful on the person or the site you are seeking information from. Sometimes what they preach may seem innocent, but it really brings harm to the Muslim ummah.

And that's all from me for today, wa asselamu alaikum, peace ✌🏼️

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