30: It's Not Only For Ramadan

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Bismillahi rahmani raheem
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Most of us fail to understand that Ramadan is the chance to better ourselves for the rest of our lives, not just for that month.

The point of Ramadan is to strengthen your bond with your maker and His book to continue for the rest of the year.

It's like retail stores; during Christmas time they push harder to make more money to last them the entire year. They still strive and work the rest of the year, but this specific time they are making much more, because they know the majority of their profit relies on these sales.

Our scale on the Day of Judgement relies a lot on your deeds during Ramadan, but you should still push to achieve more the rest of the year.

And that's all from me for today, wa asselamu alaikum, peace ✌🏼️

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