The Last Chapter

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I sat with my hands in my lap, nervously playing with my fingers. 

I was sitting across from my parents at a table in an Italian restaurant, a full cup of coffee sitting in front of me. 

Reaver was on my right side and Corey was on my left, Drake was sitting beside Corey and my Dad, playing with his silverware and shooting me glances. 

"What is it you wanted to tell us, honey?" Mom asked, smiling pleasantly. 

"Um, well," I bit my lip, my knee shaking anxiously.  

Reaver cut in, a smile spreading over his face. "Your daughter and I are getting married." 

Their expressions both blanked in shock.  

"You're marrying him?" Dad inquired, his eyebrows high. 

"Yeah," I nodded. 

"Oh shit," Drake said. "Him? You're marrying him? He's a-" He cut off, closing his lips.  

Reaver smiled wickedly.  

"Bastard." Drake finished.  

"What made this come on?" Mom asked. "What about Corey?" 

Corey leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed. 

"She broke up with me." He stated. 

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 

"You came to your senses." Dad stated. 

My eyes narrowed but I bit my tongue. "Yeah, sure." 

"Thank god." He said with relief. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"I didn't know you...liked Reaver." Mom commented. "When did this happen?" 

"A long time ago, mom." I muttered. 

"Oh, well, this is a surprise." 

"A great one." Dad added. "Reaver seems a very suitable King." 

"And Corey doesn't?" I questioned, an eyebrow raised. 

"Well, does it matter now? You're not marrying him." 

I kept the unhappy look off my face, leaving my expression blank. 

"I think he would." Drake affirmed.  

Corey glanced to him, his lips lifted slightly in a faint smile that Drake returned. 

"Well, should we start planning then?" Mom questioned. 

"Yeah," I replied, leaning up to take a sip of the coffee. 

She was already fooling with her cell phone the time I looked back at her. 

I stifled a sigh. 

Reaver wrapped an arm around my shoulder, smiling happily. 

He'd already removed the curse, with the agreement that if I tried to get out of the wedding he would kill me. 

Not exactly an agreement, so much as a threat. 

A neat trick to tell if I was cursed or not was that my blood would be blue-black, something Corey had found by reading his demon books. 

Corey said it would be hard for him to curse me now as it was, since I was a vampire, it would take a lot of practice on Reaver's part. 

The only good thing coming out of this was that I was the only one controlling my actions; the bad-side was that I was marrying Reaver. 

I still got to see Corey though; he would be living with me as a slave. 

Reaver had been okay with that thankfully, because he didn't care if I was still somewhat together with Corey secretly, all Reaver cared about was that he would be King and ruling the country. 

I was just thankful Corey and I could be together even if no one else could know besides the three of us. 

I couldn't even tell Drake what was going on, but I'm sure he had a hunch. 

"I'm gonna get some air, I'll be right back." I said, standing up from the table. 

Reaver sat gracefully, taking a sip from his tea. "Hurry back, love." 

"I will." I replied. 

I quickly strode away from the table, finding the doors and exiting out into the cool night air. 

I held my arms, standing out on the sidewalk and looking out onto the town lights. 

I didn't hear him come out, but when I looked over Corey was standing beside me. 

I smiled lightly, looking back ahead. 

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind as he rested his chin on my shoulder. 

"I love you."  

"I love you too." I sighed. "And things could be worse, you know." 


I rolled my eyes. "At least we still get to see each-other." 

"Yeah, but you're marrying that manipulative, demon jackass." 

"Not by my choice."  

"Which makes it worse." 

I sighed. "At least we're still together." 

"I do believe that is the only upside. A very good upside it is, but...I just wish we could actually be together, without anything coming in the way of it." 

"So do I." 

He stepped back, letting go of me so he could get out his cigarettes and light one up. 

"This isn't over, though." He said around the cigarette hanging from his lips. 

"I'll find a way out of it." He smirked wickedly. "Trust me."

(A/N: Thanks for reading! The sequel is called "An Undead Rebellion" and is out now. Look for it on my profile or follow the link below:


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