Forced to buy a vampire slave- chapter 41-

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"First stop, slayer." Nick said.

We stood in a cemetery just a few miles from the house.

Trey and I followed Nick inside the crypt, it was dark but the place was lit by candles so you could actually see. There was a figure sitting on a big wooden chest, they're back turned to us.

Trey hesitated, not going any further.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Came a british voice.

They turned: it was a guy, he looked fairly young. He had wavy bleach blonde hair- the type that was practically white that was somewhat short but had longer pieces in the front swept to one side, falling slightly in his eyes. His skin was pale and he had very prominent cheekbones, giving him that pouting look. He was dressed in black jeans and a black T-shirt along with black worn out combat boots.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Nick said simply. "I brought someone to see you."

He hopped off the chest, a book in his hand and walked forward, his eyes on me. "Is this...the princess?" He asked with a wry smile.

"Yep." Nick replied.

"And what is the princess doing here? In my humble home?"

"Well I thought since your trying to kill her faincee she should at least meet you."

My eyes widened but I quickly cleared my expression.

"Arabelle, this is William: the slayer." Nick introduced.

William came closer to me, he trailed a finger along my jawline. "So princess, where is your faincee?"

I took a step away from him.

"He's at their house." Nick said.

William smiled. "I think my jobs going to be easier than I thought."

"And what exactly is your job?" I asked him.

"Well as of right now, its killing your vampire."


"What do you mean why? You're marrying him. That means he's going to be King. Of the country. We can't have a vampire as the King. Its not gonna happen. Not to mention, there is a lot of people in the...underworld that want him dead."

"What underworld?" I asked.

"What you think its just vampires? There's all kinds of things that you don't know about."

Nick was grinning and Trey was standing by the door.

"Nick, why exactly are you hanging out with a...slayer?" I asked him. "Oh well-"

William interjected. "He came to me. He said he knew where I could find Corey, help me kill him."

I looked at Nick. "Wow you never stop being a jackass do you?"

Nick looked guilty. "I'm only doing what's best for you."

"Shut up." I told him.

William chuckled. "So, princess-"

"Arabelle." I stated.

"Mind taking me to your house so I can finish the job?" he continued. "I got a lot of money waiting for me."

"Uh, no, actually I think I'll be leaving now." I swiftly headed towards the door. "Arabelle," Nick pleaded. "What are you doing? Are you going to walk home?"

"Yeah, 'cause I sure as hell don't want to be in the same car as you." I replied.

I walked out of the crypt, swiftly making my way through the cemetery 'till I found the small gate.

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