rusty red;

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The teacher wore a dark red blazer
and his voice was stern but the way
he wrote his name on the board was
as if he paralyzed our eyes and made
our souls follow the way he signed it
with such elegance.

"Welcome class. You can call me
Professor Augustine. I will be your
professor for fine arts for this unit.
I can't wait to see you improve from
the person you are today. We will start
class by pairing up with people and
making a piece of art that represents
the two of you in unison. I will choose
who you partner up with so that no two
art styles are the same. I will be distinguishing
this by your portfolios sent in with your application.
Congratulations for being accepted."

Everyone gave a smile to each other
and acknowledged that we are all working
towards a common goal: to share our
work and not become another star in the
sky but rather be the star in the sky.

"Let's begin.. Adam Bronx with Cristine
Samuel..Avery with Lexington.." His voice
merged with the designs on the corners of the
windows, harassed by the beauty and the delicate
touch of the wood designer's details.

"Rose with Charlie... Bates with Connor.."

My eyes darted around the blur of students
to find the entity titled Charlie. My eyes met
with a young man whose hair was tousled above
his head but his eyes pierced through the shards of glass
illuminating the classroom.

"H-H-Hi," He walked over to me and realized
his cheeks were turning a rosy red. With a deep
breath, he closed his eyes for a split second and
looked at me, with a hand extended. "Hi, my
name is Charlie."  

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