Chapter Two: I Successfully Ask The World To Stop Turning

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Hola!!! So excited to upload this again, sorry it took forever! I literally have no time to write now, it's awful. But here's the next installment haha hope you enjoy it! Please comment to tell me what you think, if you're confused or enjoying it or think something's great or want to point something out or critique or whatever you want, please comment!!! And vote too, please, but comments mean more! Thank you so much for reading and I hope y'all have a great day :)

Pic of Nat (Nina Dobrev) —->

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Two

I Successfully Ask The World To Stop Turning

Exactly what happened after that is difficult to recount because it was basically a bewildered blur. Mrs. Graham, the vice principal, was rushing around trying to get things sorted out while we were told to get on with our normal school day. Concentrating on algebra was now, of course, completely impossible, and so we just sat there and blabbed excitedly about what had just happened while we waited for news.

Finally, around 8:35 – sadly enough, we were still in algebra-two – another figure made her way down the hall past the windows and turned into our classroom, followed by a man in a dark business suit. Our heads swiveled to watch them walk to the front, our principal's heels clicking on the floor and the man's severe-looking eyes roving over us.

"Girls," said Ms. Daniels, the principal, looking unusually somber, "Mr. Carter here has something to say to you."

The man in the suit stepped forward. He was middle-aged, his weedy brown hair receding, but his dark eyes seemed to pierce us as he glanced around. I remembered the Chris guy saying something like "Carter's going to be flipping out" and figured this had to be said Carter, which meant he was probably pretty important.

He coughed, opened his mouth to talk, and then basically lost us completely. At first he blabbed on about how sorry he was that something like this could happen in such a safe town at such a good school, and then he went on to explain that Molly was involved in a special program that required her to leave school for some time. And, somehow, included loads of special defense and stuff.

I couldn't really tell if he honestly thought we were that stupid, but I know my intelligence was feeling pretty offended. We weren't dumb – Molly was clearly a secret agent of some sort. Maybe he didn't know about all the "joking" texts she had sent me.

So after he had jabbered on for a full five minutes, I raised my hand and asked, "So how long has she been in the CIA?"

That made him shut up. His eyes focused on me with such intensity that I glanced around to see if anyone else thought I had said something outrageous. They were all staring with wide eyes, but as they had been for the past half hour, that wasn't really surprising. I was sure they had to have all been thinking the same thing as me.

"What's your name, young lady?" he asked, his face inscrutable.

"Natalie Grimm."

He nodded. "Well, Natalie Grimm, I can assure you that your imagination is definitely running wild. Didn't you just hear everything I said?"

Okay, so he did think we were stupid, but I nodded and agreed anyway, figuring there was nothing more I could do. Later I would try and contact Molly and get some real answers, and if she refused to tell me, I'd track her down and punch her in the face.

Mr. Carter then said that he had to be going and that if anyone had any questions, he could ask our principal, who was well-informed. I didn't know what everyone else thought about all this crap he was spewing, but I kept silent and politely smiled and nodded like a good girl. As he left the room with Ms. Daniels, I looked back at Kate, whose eyebrows were high up on her broad forehead.

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