Speak of the Devil

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Without even thinking I took a step towards him but was snapped back by a firm arm.

"Don't cause a scene." He said through his teeth.

"If I don't he will," I responded as we continued to sway across the floor.

"Don't be too sure, if he's got a bone to pick, as I'm sure he does, he'll wait."

"Why would he care?" I ask, "The demon, I mean."

"Hard telling, he's been quiet for a while, looks like he's finally got something to say."

"I don't know, I figured if he really got mad he would just go apeshit. What's stopping him?"

"Maybe the fact that I could have everyone in this room dead in a matter of minutes." By the way, he said it I could tell it was also aimed at me. A warning for me not to pull anything.

"Why would he care about that?"

Before he could answer the song ended and the crowd swarmed around us to begin dancing as well.

"Can I talk to you?" A low rumbling voice asked from over my shoulder.

I swung my head around, but he wasn't looking at me.

"Don't you want to dance with the pretty girl?" Randall prodded.

"No, I want to talk."

Randall smiled at him and then turned and said, "Cameron!"

My sister, who had been passing by, stopped.

"May I have this dance?" He offered her his hand and she took it with a smile.

"I would be honored."

And with that he pulled her away, turning to wink at us before disappearing into the crowd.

I felt a hand brush against my bare shoulder blade. I turned to see Peter take my hand and pull me against him. We began that same slow swaying dance. He didn't say anything at first, he just kept his eyes locked on Randall, sneering.

"It's been a while since I've seen you."

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"I probably could have waited a bit longer," I laughed a bit, "So why are we being graced with your presence today?"

I was close enough to him to see his black eyes move behind the shades. He looked down at me.

"I just had a few questions that Petey boy was too much of a pussy to ask."

"Questions about what?"

He squeezed my hand, "Just things."

"What's it to you?"

"Nothing." He said dismissively and slid his hand dangerously far down my back.

"Watch it," I warned.

"What?" He laughed, "I've seen way more of you than this." He nodded his head at my dress.

"That wasn't really for you."

"Doesn't matter, I still know what you smell like right there under your ear." He unfurled a finger from our clasped hands and pointed it to the soft spot on my neck.

I rolled my eyes and shifted away from the accusing finger.

"If I had been in control," he growled, "I would have done things to you that this little bitch doesn't even have the muscle groups to try."

"Ew, did you seriously show up just to be gross and make this day worse than it already is?"

He smiled, "Among other things."

"What are those?"

"Nothing worth thinking about."

I stilled my feet, causing him to stumble a bit, "Tell me."

He seemed almost taken aback by my serious tone.

"He's just, revisiting some old ways," the song ends in the middle of his sentence, "methods I don't agree with."

Before I could say anything he kissed me on the hand, right on my ring, and disappeared into the sea of people.

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