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"I thought we covered the fact that I don't love you at all."

He scoffed and said, "No, not you."

"Then who?" I asked, bewildered.

"An old friend of mine," he said, "can't say their name."

"An old friend of Randalls or an old friend of mister demon in there?" I stick a finger in his face and he bats it away.
Before he answers the name comment clicks in my head and I feel like an idiot. The memory of my dream flashes in my mind.

Don't say his name don't say his name don't say his name don't say his name

"The latter is probably the most a propriety answer. But I've been this for a very long time, so it's hard to differentiate."

"And they want to eat me or whatever?"

He chuckled a little bit, "No."

"Then what?"

"They need a body to inhabit, and I figured you would work."

I idea didn't fully sink in just yet, "You want to turn me into one of you?"

He pursed his lips and then nodded, "Yeah that's just about right."

"Wait," I put my hands up, "wait, wait wait, wait a minute; I thought demons couldn't feel love."

"I've never heard you stutter before, how adorable."

"Stay on topic please."

"Demons can't technically. But it turns out when you mix in a little humanity anything is possible."

"You don't make a habit of utilizing it."

"I said I was capable of it," he chuckled a bit, "but it turns out I'm not particularly charmed by human stupidity."

"So you want someone not human."


"How do you know they'll love you back?"

He shrugged, " they won't at first, but once they assimilate I'm sure it'll just come naturally."

I laughed, "You really don't understand human emotions, do you?"

"I understand you two," he pointed to Peter and me, "actually, I have you to thank for the idea."

I just stared at him until he continued.

"When you guys did your little heist I couldn't help but admire the little rapport you have. Not only have I never seen a demon defend a human, but I've never seen a human work with one so well. It made me realize that a partnership wouldn't be so bad."

"As you couldn't just get your own?"

"What can I say, I'm impatient and uncreative."

"Apparently," I mumbled, "So how long do I have?"

I wasn't sure if I wanted the answer, but I had to ask.

He sneered and pointed, "Ask him, he's known about it the whole time."

I followed his extended finger to a wide-eyed Peter on the floor.

"Peter?" I wasn't sure who I was talking to, but I was so caught up in surprise.

He just stared at me without saying anything.

"Oh yeah, he's known for a good long while." Randall continued.

I felt tears well up in my eyes but I pushed them back. I couldn't cry.

I looked at Peter, his face twisting in shame around his black eyes. I wanted him to tell me he was lying, but he didn't say anything.

"See, we totally could have waited until morning for this." Randall yawned.

I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but I couldn't conjure the words.

"Now if you guys don't mind, could you postpone this lovers quarrel until tomorrow."

"I'm not staying in here." I hissed, pulling the covers off of myself.

I went to stand up but Randall caught me by the arm.

"Yes, you are."

"I don't want to have to look at either of you right now."

"How's one out of two sound?" He said and before I could answer he yelled at the door and one of the guards came in.

"Take him to the basement." He instructed and the guard followed suit.

He unlocked Peters hands from the drawer. Our eyes stayed locked together the entire time. His mouth gaped open like he was trying to speak, but lost the words.

He was dragged out of the room, and it was the first time I was glad to see him go.

Good For GoneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin